Feature Wiki

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Category for Huge Amount of Data

1 Description

We know of three screnarios where masses of objects need to be dumped into categories. The data dump is too big to be performantly displayed in the normal List GUI. Users will work from this dump in a way. 

  1. Courses are created by a campus management system or a seminar management system and blasted into a category. Expected numer of courses  ~ 4.000
  2. Groups are created by students to allow informal learning in Teams. Expected numer of groups ~ 800
  3. All kinds of objects from an Open Educational Resources Repository are displayed. Expected numer of objects ~ ??
This feature request is a part of the Concept for Learning Communities specifically it is a sub-project to implement Teams.

We had a Jour Fixe Workshop  in Cologne 2016-09-28. Christian Bogen (Uni Stuttgart),  David Böhringer (Uni Stuttgart), Marko Glaubitz (Uni Freiburg), Alexander Killing (leifos GmbH), Matthias Kunkel (Product Manager ILIAS society), Stefan Meyer(leifos GmbH), Alexandra Tödt (leifos GmbH) attended the workshop. 

We have discussed the "Category for Huge Amount of Data" problem and divised the following feature suggestions: 



Show-More Behavior


Support Filters in Manage-Tab of Categories


Tree Behavior for Categories with Huge Amounts of Data


Filter-Configuration in Categories


Tagging in Categories


Autocompleted tag search and assignment


1.1 Supporting Custom Metadata for Filtering (Universität Stuttgart)

Open Issue (should be moved to new feature entry page):

  • We want to be able to define required custom user data fields (open globally or locally).
  • At least creation screens should provide the required custom metadata fields.
  • We need a report that checks, which objects miss certain required fields.
  • Import and copy will not be tackled (report must be used to to adress these items). 
  • A general issue is that the export feature may not work due to the very high number of children objects. Disabling the export due to a high number of objects should be a feature of the export and implemented in general for all export workflow. We offer a export setting in Administration where an administrator can define a reasonable value for a maximum number of exportable objects, taking into account e.g. hardware and other cirumstances of the installation.

2 Discussion

FH Bielefeld, Linda Halm: We also support this Feature, escapially the idea of a tagcloud and the idea of a filter. A filter would be effective in our case if we could filter the course administrators. When typing a professors name a suggestion list should be dropdowned in which the suitable Admins in this special context (category) are shown and selectable.

Everythings which makes it easier to navigate through a very long course list is welcome for us.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], April 11, 2016: We appreciate the feature request and discussed it. We accept the request and schedule it for 5.2 if the following issues are tackled:

  • Filter "My membership" should be renamed to "My Groups and Courses" and only be presented when at least one  group or course exists in the category where this user is member. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified accordingly)
  • Title filter should not only look for title but also for description to increase the number of search results. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified accordingly)
  • Tag cloud and filter could be combined (‘AND’) to find objects. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified accordingly)
  • @Marko Glaubitz: Do we need unique object titles for realising the team scenario?
  • Tool bar as fall back for a filter presentation is accepted. When a new filter implementation is available for 5.2, we will take this. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified accordingly)
  • Timon and Alex will discuss performance issues of the list GUI and how to present the objects.
  • How do we handle "Webfeeds" and "Pools" which are usually presented in the right column of a category. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified: suggestion: always show these side blocks)
  • We prefer a title filter (simple text input) for all tree based explorer and not to stop the presentation of objects at a certain number of objects. Alex will prepare a mockup. (AK 15 Apr 2016, mockup added to feature description)
  • Disabling the export due to a high number of objects should be a feature of the export and implemented in general for all export workflow. We offer a export setting in Administration to define depending from the hardware when the export is disabled. It is in the responsibility of a sys admin to define a reasonable number of objects for his/her hardware setting. (AK 15 Apr 2016, feature description modified accordingly)
  • We discussed if we want to create a new object type and denied it. We consider this as a special view of the category object.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 21 Apr 2016: If we tackle performance issues, we need to be aware of the very different performance behaviour we get from PHP 5 and PHP 7. I just made a quick check on my local machine:

  • Category with 250 file objects (ILIAS 5.2.0 alpha)
  • Access as learner (read permission)
  • PHP 5.6.20: 42MB memory, 1.7 sec
  • PHP 7.0.3: 27MB memory, 1.0 sec
  • PHP 5.6.20, after fixing #18326: 42MB, 1.4 sec
  • PHP 7.0.3, after fixing #18326: 27MB, 0.9 sec
Imo we should concentrate on PHP7 when investigating possible performance improvements, since PHP5 optimizations may become obsolete quickly.

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz], 21 April 2016: @Alex: That sounds very promosing. I agree to mainly focus on PHP7. I would say 1 sec for 250 object is accebtable, do you agree. Would you use the regular List GUI (as in the repository) considering that the rendering time is not that big of an issue as expected? 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], April 27, 2016: I strongly recommend to rename this feature wiki page. The current title "New type-setting for categories" does not give a clear impression of what is meant. The title should focus on the aspect of presenting a huge amount of objects in this type of category, e.g. "Mass objects category".

Bogen, Christian [bogen], 2016-08-04: Please add a larger version of the very first mockup on this page. Thanks! :)

SIG Content Sharing, 15 NOV 2017: We highly appreciate this feature request and see it also as a good improvement for content sharing in ILIAS when an OER Harvester will be available in ILIAS 5.4.

Last edited: 11. Jan 2019, 14:33, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]