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Workflow for Personal Profile

1 Initial Problem

  • In 5.3 entering of data and publishing of the Profile are spread over several tabs this is not user-friendly.

2 Conceptual Summary

General Description of Privacy Checklist 
The first thre tabs get a new Checklist eleement as known from the learning objective-driven cours and the set-up. 
The Privacy Checklists compriese three entries with optional by-lines: 

  1. Personal Data
    • Never touched:
      • grey dot 
      • By-line 1: Check personal data
    • Form was saved with or without changes but all required fields are completed:  
      • green dot
      • By-line 2: Personal data checked  
    • Form was saved with or without changes but at least one required fields is not completed:  
      • Normal "force-to-complete" workflow
  2. Publishing Options
    • Never touched:
      • grey dot
      • By-line 1: Set publishing options
    • Form was saved with or without changes but all required fields are completed:  
      • green dot
      • By-line 2: 
        • Profile disabled OR
        • Profile enabled for logged in users OR
        • Profile enabled on the internet (www)
  3. Visibility Settings 
  • Never touched:
    • grey dot
    • By-line 1: Set visibility options 
  • Form was saved with or without changes
    • green dot
    • By-line 2:
      • Show in Who-is-online? and Allow contact requests OR
      • Show in Who-is-online? and No contact requests  OR
      • Hide from Who-is-online?  and Allow contact requests OR
      • Hide from Who-is-online? and No contact requests 
Behavior of Tab "Profile Data" (was: Personal Data) 
  • The tab is re-labled to "Profile" 
  • The tab gets the Checklist mentioned above.
  • Saving the form will automatically carry over the user to the next tab "Publish Profile". 
  • Saving the form will change the Checklist status of the first entry. 
Behavior of Tab "Publish Profile" (was Profile)
  • The tab is re-labled to "Publish Profile" 
  • The tab gets the Checklist mentioned above.
  • Selecting one of the two Enable-profile options opens a sub-set of options: The subset is comprised of all those data entries made in the Profile Data -tab. Options left empty in the Profile Data-tab will not be displayed. This will make the form less overwhleming. For the Avatar the title of the picture could be displayed instead of the picture itself. 
  • Selecting one of the two Enable-profile options calls for a preview underneath the form.
    • The preview will adapt to any entries made in the sub-form without the need to save the form.
    • The preview will auto-update to any box checked in the sub-form. 
  • Saving the form will automatically carry over the user to the next tab "Visibility". 
  • Saving the form will change the Checklist status of the second entry. 
Behavior of New Tab  "Visibility"
The two settings are to be moved from General Settings to Personal Data and Profile , thus all settings relevant to the visiblity of users are located in one place: 
  • Hide Me From ‘Who is online?’-Tool
  • Allow to contact me
Abandon Tab "Preview"
The "Preview" tab is abandonned, the preview becomes a part of the tab. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Personal Data and Profile > Personal Data 
  • Personal Data and Profile > Profile 
  • Personal Data and Profile > Visibility (new) 

3.2 User Interface Details

We suggest the following re-labeling of tabs: 

IS en

IS de



Personal Data and Profile

Persönliche Daten und Profil

Profile and Privacy

Profil und Datenschutz

Personal Profile > Personal Data

Persönliche Daten

Profile Data 


Personal Profile > Profile


Publish Profile





1. Tab Profile Data
2. Tab Publish Profile, no option selected yet
2. Tab, enable-profile option selected, sub-form with data from "Profile Data Tab" opened
3. Tab Visibility (new)

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Border Case: The Checklist does already exist. But making a Kitchensink element from it would be nice. While doing a Kichtensink element, it would be nice to visually face-lift that control, too. 

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 3 April 2018: I fully support this request.

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz], 22. April 2018: I support this request as well. I also agree that this is a border case for a KS-Entry. However I would really recommend the JF to ask for such an entry since the control seems to be extended. Further this control is of great value if specified well, for several other components. In my appart from the layout this should not be too complex. Each line has three possible states ("completed", "ready to be tackled" and "not possible to start yet"). Each of this state should be visually indicated (e.g. as currently done with green, grey and red dots). One line can be active, this should be indicated as well (e.g. by the yellow overlay as in the screens above) and each line has a title and byline.

If necessary, we would help funding the KS-Part of this.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 23 APR 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4. We would like to have a "Save and Continue" button on those tabs where the user is re-directed to the next tab after submitting inputs. Adding the 'Check List' as a new KS element would be highly appreciated but is no requirement by JF as it is an already implemented UI element. A decision about using the KS form depends on implementing missing UI elements (e.g. radio boxes, file input, image map, multi-select). We will discuss this separately after Timon's return from vacation.

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 16 Nov. 2018: The UI Workflow should be used.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 DEC 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for 6.0. The new Workflow UI should be used to visualise the status of each of the described steps.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 12 Nov 2019: See also https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=26076

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases amemded and completed at 2019-10-24 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 18536: Benutzerprofil betexten
  • 24898: Aufforderungen zur Profilkonfiguration einrichten
  • 7306: Profildaten nicht komplett eingeben
  • 7307: Profildaten komplett eingeben
  • 7309: Profil veröffentlichen
  • 31945: Einstellung Kontaktanfragen


Approved at 2019-11-04 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] (Technische Hochschule OWL) as agreed with DHBW Karlsruhe.

9 Former Requirements

In addition to the suggestions of Usability Improvements of Personal Profile and Prompting to Personal Profile in First Access the entering of the data for the Personal Profile should be revamped. In 5.1 entering and publishing are spread over two tabs this is not user-friendly. 

The changes could be made within the confines of the ILIAS standard form or by preparing a new form dedicated to this purpose. 

New Dedicated Form 

The deditcated form should look like a profile visiting card from the beginning, not the key-value form. 

Last edited: 12. Nov 2019, 08:49, Killing, Alexander [alex]