Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Import/Export of SCORM LMs

1 Requirements

It should be possible to exchange SCORM Learning Modules between different ILIAS installations using the generic ILIAS import/export interface.


  • XML based import/export of SCORM 2004 and 1.2. Learning modules
  • Import/export of the following settings
    • Learning module settings
    • Presentation
    • SCORM options
    • RTE settings
The ILIAS-SOAP webservice should be extended to support the managment of SCORM-based Learning modules. The following SOAP methods are required:
  • createSCORM (meta data and content)
  • updateSCORM (meta data and content)
  • deleteSCORM


2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: (please add your name when creating this feature request)
  • Interest in funding: IBI Berlin
  • Maintainer: Uwe Kohnle
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 01, 2016: We schedule the XML export/import of SCORM LM (1.2 and 2004). The suggested extension of the SOAP interface has been rejected by the maintainer Stefan Meyer due to performance problems.

Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle], August 29, 2016: I would like to suggest, that settings for learning progress should be exported and imported because it would make work much easier for users - especially if the SCORM learning module consists of many SCOs with only few SCOs responsible for learning progress. Shall i make a proposal for the Jour Fixe?

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], August 31, 2016: Please create a new feature wiki page with this suggestion and add it to one of the next JF agendas. A general handling of settings in export would be highly appreciated.

4 Implementation

Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle], August 29, 2016: XML based export and import of SCORM Learning Modules is now available in trunk.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-08-26 by atoedt

  • 13044: Export-Datei erstellen
  • 13047: Kurs mit SCORM Lernmodul exportieren


Approved at 2016-08-29 by smeyer

Last edited: 31. Aug 2016, 09:20, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]