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Remove Open ID

1 Requirements

Drop support for Open-ID.

The OpenID standard was superseded by OAuth2-based authentication (like OpenID Connect - the successor of OpenID, which is based on OAuth2 and incompatible with OpenID).

I claim: There are no free + trustworthy OpenID providers and its not being used anymore. It doesn't make sense to test and maintain it anymore. We should drop it.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Dec 07, 2015: We appreciate this suggestion and announce to drop OpenID support with 5.2.

4 Implementation

Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]: Removed from trunk in the course of PHP7 related authentication revision for 5.2.

Test Cases

not needed


Approved at August 19, 2016 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]