Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Include wiki page title in HTML title

1 Requirements

The page title of a wiki page should (at least as an option) be in the HTML title. Right now when I bookmark a specific wiki page, eg. this one, I get a bookmark with the name "ILIAS E-Learning - Feature Wiki", but I’d have to manually add the page title to make the bookmark actually usefull. Also using the browser histiory is not a lot fun this way.

The obvious way to solve this would be to include the page title in the HTML title (eg. "ILIAS E-Learning - Feature Wiki - Include wiki page title in HTML title").

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Christian Bogen, Universität Stuttgart
  • Interest in funding: Yes
  • Maintainer: (Leifos)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Leifos
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 15, 2016: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.2.

4 Implementation

The title of the wiki page will be included in the HTML header title that is e.g. used by the browser in the tab caption (Screenshot: Browser adds "Seite A" to the tab name).

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 201-08-24 by atoedt

  • 13015: Wiki-Seite als Lesezeichen abspeichern


Approved at 2016-08-26 by David Boehringer.

Last edited: 26. Aug 2016, 10:47, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]