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Expand to getExcerciseXML to export more user data

1 Requirements

getExcerciseXML right now only exports user names in the form of il_0_usr_173725 which is useless to lecturers. We’d like to expand that to first and last name and possibly the ILIAS user name, too.

(See also 0013587: getExcerciseXML only seems to deliver the first of multiple exercise units.)

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 15, 2016: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2.

4 Implementation

The XML returned by getExerciseXML now contains the user data fields "firstname", "lastname" and "login":

<Members><Member usr_id="il_0_usr_315"><Firstname>John</Firstname><Lastname>Doe</Lastname><Login>jdoe</Login>...

Test Cases

SOAP Functionalities do not get tested by cases. Thus no test cases are need for this feature. 


Approved at 2016-08-26 by David Boehringer.

Last edited: 24. Oct 2016, 12:00, Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]