Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


mandatory primary keys

1 Guideline

All database tables in ILIAS should have primary keys. Primary keys are important for MySQL performance, especially for large tables on InnoDB installations.

A good article about the importance of primary keys: How important a primary key can be for MySQL performance

This is a first step for Support galera cluster for MySQL.

2 Status

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

Tables without primary keys

4 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 13 July 2015: We discussed the introduction of "primary keys" for all tables today. We support the idea to make primary keys for all tables mandatory. This can be done with 5.1 separately (without the remaining galera cluster support). This should documented on a separate feature wiki page (with info why this is and advantage for the use with innodb, too). We schedule this (mandatory primary keys) for 5.1.

Erkens, Jochen [j.erkens], 2015-07-13: Added guideline for mandatory primary keys


5 Implementation 

Test Cases 

Alexandra Tödt 2015-08-25: 
Since this feature does not effect anthing visible in the GUI, the project manager has agreed that for this feature no test  cases have to be prepared in testrail. 
To prevent this feature from "Clogging" the lists for 5.1, I set the metadata of this feature to "test cases available. 


Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:16, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]