Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Improve Deletion of Objects

1 Requirements

After the selection of objects (subtrees) for deletion in the repository, ILIAS shows a table with further information about all subobjects:

  • Type of objects
  • Title and description
  • Number of (visible) subobjects for containers
  • Notifcation about missing delete-permission
A table filter is implemented with the following elements:
  • Title
  • Object-type (multi selection)
It will be possible to select single objects for deletion.

The deletion-process will be implemented as background process - similar to copying - to avoid timeouts.
A progress-bar will be implemented to show the current status of the deletion

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Stefan Meyer
  • Interest in funding: HSPV
  • Maintainer: Stefan Meyer
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (Stefan Meyer, leifos)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 17, 2015: We appreciate the feature and scheduling it for 5.1 but ask for some changes / improvements:

  • The entry point should be the "Manage" screen of the current container.
  • A new button should be offered in the toolbar to enter the screen. Label could be "Filter View".
  • All manage actions should be available: Delete, Copy, Link.

Kaiser, Sascha [skaiser] We appreciate the feature also! Very good idea.
A little bit like Capira > http://capira-solutions.com/

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 24 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 10. Jan 2024, 17:49, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]