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Copying Linked Objects

1 Requirements

Status ILIAS 5.1
In ILIAS objects can be linked ("verknüpfen"). Linking an object means having two identical instances of the object at more than one place in the repository.

  • If the object is deleted at one place the other one persists. 
  • If the linked object is edited at one place all edits will be avaiablable in the other linked place, too. This is very helpful in daily business if understood and used properly.
  • 'Linking' is not offered for container objects (categories, folders, courses and groups) or pools (pools for media objects, or survey / test questions), Chats cannot be linked either. 
Within a course there are two groups and a wiki. The wiki was linked from the course into each group to be available within the group context as well.  
If this course is copied, in the copying dialogue all linked objects are presented as distinct objects (three wikis in this case: one in the course and one in both groups) wikis. If the coyping is carried out, it will produce thre distinct wikis and not one wiki linked to three places. 

Requirement for 5.2 

  • The copying dialogue should accomodate copying links (Verknüpfungen) and not copy distinct objects. 
  • The coyping dialogue is already quite crowded and complex. If an additional option of "copy linked objects as linked objects" is to be added to the existing options "copy" and "link" this screen requires some cleaning up / claryfiying the consequences of acitions and workflow. 

The initial version of the actricle is mixing up issues of post-conditions learning paths and linking. 

Complex didactic scenarios often demand using a variety of interconnected and structured learning tool within a course context. This often means that objects are used in multiple subcontexts at that same time or that objects of different kinds are linearly or even multivalently chained together.

1.1 Here are some example scenarios to start with:

  • Imagine a course with 30 groups. The students “spend” most of their time within the groups. Global material and activities (like a forum, a wiki, the general course syllabus, additional reading material) that concern all students shall be available both in each group and for the sake of updating this content (uploading a new file version) in the course as such.
  • Image a course with 10 groups. Every group contains 2 wikis. One wiki belongs to the respective group (let’s call that group A) as their working space while the second is the working space of another group, Group B, which Group A is supposed to comment on . A third Group (say C) contains the working space of Group A, and so on.
  • Image a learning module in which uses several tests as breakpoints and feedback mechanism for the instructor with respect to the state of knowledge of the learners. The tests are put as internal links to repository objects on the several pages. Instead of the test, this scenario can be extended to virtually any repository which can be linked onto a page in a wiki, learning module, …)
  • Imagine a test which has a survey that is chained to it as a means of evaluations directly after the test has been taken by a student.
  • Imagine a diagnostic test, which consists of a test followed by a survey (as a competence self-evaluation tool) followed by a second test (testing the self-evaluated competences)´
… and so many more.

For those if the scenarios above that can be realised on ILIAS already, imagine a new semester is approaching and these course setups are supposed to copied and reused…

1.2 Kinds of semantic links

These scenarios can be reduced to some abstract concepts and requirements. The basic idea is to give connections between objects /  parts of obejcts (e.g. pages, ...) some kind of meaning. Thus, this can be subsumed as “meaningful” or “semantic” linking affecting how ILIAS handles such interconnected objects (when copied, accessed, completed, …). Following the idea of concept maps, two linked items then form a concept by being connected by an action or realting information.

  • structural linking of objects (which are items or subitems of the same context): when the context of these linked objects is copied, ILIAS creates a context-immanent clone copy of the linking structures (e.g. a forum and two groups in a course, forum is linked into both groups  the copy of the course again contains two groups with a linked NEW forum, not a link within the groups to the forum of the old course)
  • sequential chaining of objects (or follow-ups, "post-conditions") to make sequential object clusters possible (when an object bears a learner state like completed, passed, failed …). When one object has reached a certain state, the user is redirected to the next object (simple example: test followed be evaluation survey ). Within learning modules this concept extends the existing functionalities of restricting the navigation based on questions / visited pages / etc.
  • referential / hard linking, which is basically the current linking concept. ILIAS creates something like a hard link (in the unix sense) from an existing object in one context to another context.
  • responsive / adaptive links: With this a link could even contain more than one targets depending on the learning state of the object from which it originates (similar to precondition handling or rather auto-forwarding conditions)
  • other ways, meanings, actions that hold some items together

These ways of linking things should incorporate / be available for links of both existing kinds: ILIAS page editor “internal links” (e.g. tests / surveys / files in learning modules) and linked objects.
As an extension of / addition to the linking concept above, the introduction of “object clusters” or clouds of semantically interconnected items could be considered, with, for example, new container element “object cluster” either keeping, organising or handling linked objects in a structural, referential, adaptive, sequential, ... way when accessed or copied or deleted.

1.3 Usability:

There should be a graphical interface to visualize and modify linking structures within a context (object links and internal links in ILIAS page editor content) in addition to a new step when linking objects where the user is asked which kind of link is supposed to be created: referential, structural, adaptive, sequential ... .

With this tool it would be easy to build even complex structures to offer content motivated structures and ways through learning material.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Marko Glaubitz, marko.glaubitz@rz.uni-freiburg.de, Universität Freiburg
  • Interest in funding: partly funded by Universität Freiburg, but probably a crowdfunding process will be necessary
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 8 July 2015: I am confused by the terms used in the feature request. After reading "semantic" and "representing concepts" I thought this would be some semantic web approach using ontologies or taxonomies to represent concepts and to link them to content. But the different link types listed in 1.2 seem to tell another story (concepts are not represented by links in the semantic web), and as I understand you neither propose to use taxonomies or ontologies to give "meaning" to content by linking it to concepts.

The problem, e.g. explained in the "structural linking" case is "just" a missing step in link resolving after a copy process. There is a very similar problem in learning modules (if you copy a complete chapter from learning module A to learning module B) and in this case links that have both source and target in the copied content are resolved (or "fixed") at the end of the copy process (they do not link to the original learning module). This could be extended to links to repository objects. Note that preconditions and other inter-object dependencies are a separate issue.

Sequential linking, would be more like precondition handling from the implementation side. The available conditions would be defined by the source object. The internal link would be just the "target definition". It does not make much sense to extend the link implementation here, but to reuse the link in a post-condition handling.

Reponsive/Adaptive links would be the post-conditions for many objects in my opinion, since you need them only at the end (test, survey). For learning modules it could be interesting to make content in general adaptive, not just links (e.g. show content if all questions have been answered correctly). Links would be just a part of this content. Similar to the time based activation of content blocks that will come with 5.1.

I am pretty sure that the Jour Fixe will ask for mockups here, both the author and the learner side. Up to now it is not very clear what can be expected if this is implemented.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Dec 07, 2015: We appreciate the feature request in general and schedule it for 5.2.

  • If the container that shall be copied contains two or more references of one object, the copy screen (step 2/2) shall present an option ‘copy object and keep links’. A related column will be shown between ‘Copy’ and ‘Link’. A tooltip shall be added for column title. And the info text needs to be adapated.
  • Setting ‘copy object and keep links’ shall be default (when two reference exist).
  • Referenced objects need to be identified easily, e.g. highlighting when mouse over one reference.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 12:25, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]