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Linking Booking Pools to Courses

1 Requirements

We suggest to introduce a functionality allowing to reserve resources in booking pools for courses, and, while doing so, not to be forced to leave the course.

This concept consists of the following aspects:

  • Allocation of booking pools to courses
  • Booking resources from the course

1.1 Allocation of booking pools to courses

For course-related reservation of booking objects, an unambiguous relation has to be established between a course and a booking pool.
For that purpose, a „Booking Pool“ dialogue is required in the administration.
In this administration dialogue „Booking Pool“, all existing booking pools are listed in a drop-down menu.
Administrator can select one of them to be the central booking pool for course resources.

The following additional ideas for the Booking Pool Administration have not been implemented:

  • Booking Pool Administration checks whether booking pools are online.
  • In the Booking Pool Administration, columns of a table are listing the following pieces of information for each booking pool:
    • Title
    • Mode (with or without schedules)
    • Advanced metadata released for the booking pool (comma-separated)
    • Usage (as a „Default …“ or „Forced Booking Pool for New Objects“)
    • Scope (i.e., the part of the ILIAS repository in which a booking pool might be selected for a course)
  • By means of the „Mode“ and „Metadata“ columns, an administrator can determine which ones of the booking pools are suitable at all for assignment to courses
  • Via the „Actions“ menu in the right column, a booking pool may be:
    • Selected as default („Default Booking Pool for New Objects“), so it will be assigned to all courses is, however, users holding the „Edit Settings“ permission in the course may change this assignment.
    • Selected as „Forced Booking Pool for New Objects“, so no other booking pool can be selected in courses.
    • Set to a „Scope“, i.e., a category in the repository in which the booking pool can be assigned to a course (unless a „Forced Booking Pool …“ has been defined).

The following additional ideas for the extension of course settings have not been implemented:

  • ILIAS displays what booking pool is selected for this course (maybe there isn’t any if nothing like that has been defined in the administration).
  • An alternative booking pool may be selected (provided that no „Forced Booking Pool …“ has been defined and the user holds the „Edit Settings“ permission for course):
    • In case there is a „Default Booking Pool“, it is displayed here. Via a „Assign Individual Booking Pool “button, however, an overview of the repository can be displayed (limited by “View” permissions of the user) in which booking pools can be selected by clicking their title.
    • In case there is a „Forced Booking Pool …“, this button doesn’t appear and the course administrator cannot choose any alternative booking pool.

1.2 Booking resources from the course

We suggest the following extension of settings in courses to allow the reservation of booking objects directly from the course:
In courses, there is an additonal view „Settings > Resources“ in which:

  • A button grants access to the selected booking pool.
  • A „Back to course“ button allows to return to the resources configuration of the calling course from the booking pool (information vanishes if the booking pool is left and then entered again).
  • Resources are listed that have been reserved in the booking pool, starting from the currently viewed course.
  • If booking directly via the booking pool (and not from the course), no information is forwarded to a course. Course-specific reservations are, thus, only possible if starting from the course.

The following additional ideas for the "Resources" View in courses have not been implemented:

  • If future releases of ILIAS will introduce course templates, already the course template should offer the user to define what resource types are relevant for courses arising from it.
    The selection of resource types offered there arises from the corresponding advanced metadata field „Resource Type“ that is released for courses.
    By means of plus/minus elements, any number of resource types may be defined.

  • After creating a course, resources are supposed to be preselected in the course configuration, according to the resource types and availability dates defined in the course template.

The following additional ideas for the "Reservations" view in booking pools have not been implemented:

  • Course title is saved automatically when the booking is completed.
  • Enhancement of the table by a column indicating the course for which the booking took place.
  • In case a course is deleted, ILIAS automatically has to delete those reservations in booking pools which are assigned to the course.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Stanislav Wischniak (wischniak [at] qualitus [dot] de)
  • Interest in funding: (please indicate if you are interested/able to fund this feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: Florian Suittenpointner (suittenpointner [at] qualitus [dot] de)

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 17 Aug 2015: We postpone the request since the conceptual discussion needs more time and the current funded implementation differs from the feature description on this page.

Wischniak, Stanislav [wischniak] 17.03.2016: We will update the description to match the current implementation so it still could be provided in 5.2. The missing parts could be considered as features in future releases.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 12:04, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]