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Learning Progress for file objects

1 Requirements

Admin can activate learning progress for file objects. Download equals completed.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Michelle Kubier
  • Interest in funding: N.N. / Qualitus
  • Maintainer: 
  • Implementation of the feature is done by , Leifos GmbH
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], August 17, 2015: It is not clearly described above but I assume that downloading the file and viewing the file in the browser (when enabled for this file type) should be handled in the same way, meaning both ways trigger the learning progress and set the status to "completed", right? And what happens if a new file version is uploaded? Are all LP status reset or are they kept? In both cases we need an information text for the tutor to avoid misunderstandings and thoughtless actions.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 17, 2015: We highly appreciate this feature and schedule it for 5.1. The LP status is set when downloading the file and showing the file inline in the browser. The LP status won't be changed when a new version is uploaded.

Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener], 19.8.2015. In average courses, there could be several hundreds of files, in smaller courses there are several dozens of files. So we warmly welcome to change the behaviour of this feature:

  1. With the actual behaviour, authors using the learning-progress have to deactivate dozens of Learning-Progress-Settings when they do not want to use the file-Learning-progress. For ILIAS 5.1: The Default-status of the the Learning Progress of files should be "Deactivated". 
  2. In some cases, Sys-Admins do not want to activate the Learning-Progress of files, because their users do not need this. We suggest: Sys-Admin must have the possibility to deactivate globally the Learning Progress of files. This is a suggestion for 5.2 or later, see Learning Progress Guideline
  3. If Sys-Admins activate the Learning Progress of files, then there are, with 5.1, dozens of documents in the Learning-Progress Settings of courses. The management of these objects will become difficult. For ILIAS 5.1: At least, the "Rows"-functionality must be implemented in the Learning-Progress-Settings of a course.

Kiegel, Colin [kiegel] 19.08.2015: I agree that the default setting should be "deactivated".

, 19 Aug 2015:

  • The default is now inactive.
  • The guideline should be discussed separately.
  • As the learning progress settings screen does list all the sub-items of any object aren't there already dozens of list entries for larger courses/structures?  This also seems more of a general guideline discussion.

Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener] 19. Aug. 2015

  • If a sys-admin disables the course (or any other container) LP should the sub-items still have the LP feature?  The guideline does not account in any way the more complex scenarios.
    You are right, the guideline does not account the more complex scenarios. I agree with you: The guidelline and the Admin-Settings should be done before adding a specific feature (like LP) to more and more ILIAS-tools. Or we implement new features, Guidelines must be updated.. My answer for the guideline is: If a sys-admin disables the course-LP, then sub-items can still have the LP feature. This is a combination a course-administrator alredy can activate. 
  • The guideline should be discussed separately.
  • As the learning progress settings screen does list all the sub-items of any object aren't there already dozens of list entries for larger courses/structures?
    Agree. The list for a intensive ILIAS-course in 5.0 already contains 30 useful Tools in this list and about 50 folders! This is too much since ILIAS 4.x. With ILIAS 5.1, this list will be too large.

    For 5.1, the inactive-default is OK. For 5.1, the rows-functionality should be implemented in the Settings of the Learning-Progress in courses, too. For 5.2, the Guideline must be done - before adding new functionalities to the ILIAS-LM. --- You agree? 

, 19 Aug 2015:

  • The only way to enable the rows functionaliy in LP-settings before 5.2 would be as a usability fix (I do not have enough time to implement it before beta, it might even be too much work for a bugfix). Please add a bug report and put it on the JF agenda.
  • If there is an active guideline all new features have to be implemented accordingly - it's the same for all guidelines. AFAIK up to now it is a guideline proposal.

4 Implementation

, 18 Aug 2015: The feature has been implemented.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]

  • C6421: Lernfortschritt in Datei aktivieren und deaktivieren
  • C6422: Lernfortschrittsstatus “Bearbeitet” in Datei auslösen (Download)
  • C6423: Lernfortschrittsstatus “Bearbeitet” in Datei auslösen (Browser-Anzeige)
  • C6424: Neue Version von Datei mit aktiviertem Lernfortschritt hochladen
  • C6425: Datei mit aktiviertem Lernfortschritt durch andere Datei ersetzen


Tested successfully and approved at 30.06.2015 by .

Last edited: 26. Aug 2015, 13:51, Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]