Feature Wiki
Extensions of Peer Feedback
1 Requirements
Peer Feedback: minimum number of required characters
For assigments fow which Peer Feedback is activated a new option "Minimum number of characters" is introduced.
The required minimum number of characters is displayed to participants while they enter their text. If participants hand in a text that falls short of the minimum number of characters the input will be saved but the editing mode stays open an a message is displayed: "You have not met the required length of the feedback text."
The feddback will not be considered a valid feedback unless the minimal length is reached.
Peer Feedback: Access after submission
After the time for providing feedback ran out participants are still able to access the feedback they prepared. There is a link "Show my feedback" upon clicking the link alist of all feedback provided by them is displayed.
2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: Alexandra Tödt
- Funding: Universität Freiburg
- Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
- Implementation of the feature is done by LEIFOS
- Contract settled: Yes
- Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)
3 Discussion
JL 27 Apr 2015: When is a peer feedback deemed valid? Up to now it was either a) text or b) rating or c) file - any of those were sufficient. When we now restrict the text part to a certain minimum length, is the expectation that a rating or file only is not enough?
JF 27 Apr 2015: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 5.1. JL and MK will improve the naming of the options.
4 Implementation
JL 27 Apr 2015: Both features have been implemented as described above. The given peer feedback is now accessible at all times - depending on the deadline either editable or read-only.
, 13 Aug 2015: The text criteria for a criteria catalogue (see Criteria for assignment reviews) does have a separate minimum characters setting. Current screenshots can also be found there.
Test Cases
Test cases completed at July 09, 2015 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
- C5485 Peer-Feedback mit Mindestlänge und vollem Namen
- C5487 Teilnehmer können von ihnen gegebenes Feedback nach Ablauf der Frist zum Feedbackgeben einsehen
Tested successfully and approved at 2015-08-21 by Marko Glaubitz.
Last edited: 25. Aug 2015, 09:26, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]