Feature Wiki
Make peer feedback relevant for passed status
1 Requirements
The peer feedback functionality should be able to affect whether somebody has passed the respective excercise unit or not. This feature should be available for both the personalized and the anonymized peer feedback modes.
This creates several states of an excercise unit that has the peer feedback feature enabled:
- [State 1] user has handed in a solution
- [State 2] user has given some feedback
- [State 3] user has give the required number of feedbacks
- State 1: this means that the peer feedback is optional
- user will be able to see received feedback in any case after the feedback deadline
- State 2: giving at least one feedback is obligatory
- user will be able to see received feedback after the feedback deadline
- State 3: the exact number of feedbacks to give is obligatory
- user will be able to see received feedback after the feedback deadline only if the preset number has been reached
Solution 1: implement a checkbox "Obligatory" to be able to distinguish between States 1 + 2 and State 3
Solution 2: implement a set of radiobuttons
- peer feedback is optional
- at least one given peer feedback is obligatory
- number of feedbacks is obligatory
2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: Marko Glaubitz, marko.glaubitz@rz.uni-freiburg.de
- Funding: funded by Universität Freiburg
- Maintainer: Alexander Killing
- Implementation of the feature is done by Leifos
- Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)
3 Discussion
JL 05 Mar 2015: This feature request consists of 2 parts:
- assignment setting: make the number of required feedbacks n "soft": the user is assigned to 1-n feedbacks but may see his/her received feedbacks even if he/she only gives 1 feedback (in other words: the peer feedback is valid for a user if 1 [out of n] feedback was given)
- exercise setting: the exercise passed status - if "Completed by Submission" - can optionally require a valid peer feedback
JL 27 Apr 2015: We decided to split the existing setting "Peer Feedbacks per Participant" into 3 settings:
- Peer Feedbacks per Participant: this setting is no longer relevant for the access of received feedback. It just states how many peers a participant has to review
- Access to Peer Feedbacks: will give access to received peer feedbacks after 1 or all needed reviews
- Determination of "passed"-status: if "completion by submission" is active for the exercise, a 3rd setting will be available, which decides if peer feedback is relevant for the "passed"-status (of the assignment). Peer feedback is either not relevant (default), 1 is deemed enough to gain passed or all reviews are needed to pass the assignment.
JF 27 Apr 2015: We appreciate the feature as defined by Jörg in his comment above (27 Apr) and schedule it for 5.1. Matthias and Jörg will improve the naming of the options.
4 Implementation
JL 27 Apr 2015: This feature has been implemented as outlined in the discussion above.
Test Cases
Test cases completed at {date} by {user}
- C5488 Status "Bestanden" wird automatisch bei Abgabe einer Löung gesetzt, bleibt aber durch Tutor änderbar
- C5493 Peer-Feedback ist optional
- C5502 Peer-Feedback wirkt sich auf den "Bestanden" Status aus, Feedback wird nach Abgabe einer Bewertung angezeigt
- C5504: Peer-Feedback wirkt sich auf den "Bestanden" Status aus, Feedback wird nach Abgabe aller geforderten Bewertung angezeigt
-Tested successfully and approved at 2015-08-21 by Marko Glaubitz.
Last edited: 25. Aug 2015, 09:25, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]