Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]Date and place:
- Monday, March 02, 2015 from 12h30 - 17h15 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln
- Alexander Killing, Richard Klees, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Leon Leisten, Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Fabian Wolf
1 Appointments
- 2015-03-16: Jour Fixe
- 2015-03-25: SIG E-Assessment, Uni Bern
- 2015-03-25: SIG Performance, Uni Bern
- 2015-03-25: SIG Refactoring, Uni Bern
- 2015-03-26: DevConf, Uni Bern
- 2015-03-30: Jour Fixe
- 2015-03-31: Feature Freeze 5.1
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.3, 4.4 and 5.0
Last releases:
- ILIAS 5.0.0 published at February 06, 2015
- ILIAS 4.4.7 published at February 01, 2015
- ILIAS 4.3.10 published at January 31, 2015
- 5.0.1 (stable) is scheduled for March 20, 2015
- 4.4.8 is scheduled for March 13, 2015
- 4.3.11 is not scheduled yet
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:
- Taxonomy Export in T&A, General Import/Export Guidelines: we discussed the problem of what is exported with an object and made a proposal at the page General Export Guidelines: Enhancement/Clarification, see below, TOP 3.3.
- #15443 - Administration: read (no write) in 4.4, Same Issue in 5.0, (#8333): Administration nodes must offer a read permission and a read-only view should be implemented (e.g. forms should not display save buttons). Visible permissions should be abandonded from administration nodes.
- Change default video aspect ratio into more popular one : We still support the idea but consider this as a feature request - and schedule it for 5.1.
- 'Failed' precondition mode for tests: Since there is no guideline for precondition modes that must be implemented we consider this being a feature request.
- Preselection when copying categories: the default is that all object of a subtree are selected. This makes it virtually impossible to simply copy the category structure without any content for larger trees. I suggest preselecting exclusively categories as default, since there is a button "select all" for the other case. (Marko Glaubitz), JF 2 Mar 2015: Please open a feature request for this issue. We do not consider this being a bug.
- #15347 - float vs. locale: Please add a
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
(without if) to the init procedure in the trunk.
3 Developing ILIAS 5.1
3.1 Test Cases for Trunk Features
The software quality of the first stable 5.0 release has been increased by an improved testing process. Several components have already been tested with "Testrail" and used improved test cases. There is still a lot of effort necessary to complete test cases for existing features. But we have to avoid that new features for 5.1 will have no test cases too - and that the amount of work for having a complete set of test cases in ILIAS will still increase due to new features.
The last Jour Fixe already appreciated the suggestion and kept the discussion open until this Jour Fixe. No comments have been made. Therefore, we finalize this development rule.
Development Rule: Creation of test cases is a necessary requirement for getting a feature into trunk.
- Test cases can be written by the customer, the contracted service provider or a third party.
- The test cases have to be available with the first beta release at the latest.
- It’s in the responsibility of the maintainer that test cases are created in Testrail and available for testing the feature.
- Maintainers decide also upon the granularity of test cases as well.
3.2 Feature Branches and Client Approval
We continued the discussion on the testing phase and on possible restructuring of the development process using Git. A problem of the past that we want to adress is that funding parties did not approve features (Abnahme) bevor they have been released (with a stable release). Therefore we suggest:
- All new features should be developed in feature branches first.
- We will maintain a second integration branch "edge" in which all new features scheduled for a release can be integrated. Exceptions may be decided upon by the Jour Fixe.
- Before new feature can be integrated into the trunk they must be approved by the funding party (either on a separate feature branch provided by a service provider or on the "edge" installation maintained by the ILIAS society).
- All new features must be integrated before the first beta release.
3.3 Development Issues 5.1
- Mail: Selecting recipients for group and course mails: We have to postpone this topic to the next Jour Fixe because the Mail maintainer is not joining us today.
- UI: Form: File Upload: We agree with Jörg lasts comment and suggest to improve file upload elements with 5.1.
3.4 Feature Requests for ILIAS 5.1
Re-scheduled features:
The following features were already scheduled for a previous ILIAS version but not implemented due to missing funding or time. We have re-scheduled them for 5.1 to save time for discussing new feature requests.
- ILIAS Page Editor: Copy and Paste elements in ILIAS Page Editor
- ILIAS Page Editor: Delimiter Tag for Paragraphs
- ILIAS Page Editor: Export Content of ILIAS page editor
- ILIAS Page Editor: Extending Span Formatting
- ILIAS Page Editor: Full Screen mode for images as a greybox
- Online Help: Online Help: Search
- SOAP: Get mail content over webservice with method
- Test: Excel-Export: disable setting "shuffle questions"
- Test Question Pool: Ordering questions: order pictures is not available in horizontal mode
- Test Question Pool & Competence Management: Competence Service for Question Pool
- Media Objects: Media object image/media: custom size in percent: We discussed this topic today again. We envisage a set of standard behaviours that are mapped to CSS classes and support typical layout requirements (e.g. half width on large screens, full width). Alex will make a detailed proposal before implementation.
- Personal Desktop: Remove System Messages from Personal Desktop
Suggested guidelines:
- Export of Date Format: Jörg will check the technical details and reschedule this request.
- Guideline for Community Testing: The suggested guidelines has been discussed, slightly modified and approved.
- General Export Guidelines: Enhancement/Clarification: We schedule this guideline (JF proposal today) for 5.1 and open the discussion:
- All repository objects must implement an import and export following the guidelines in the development guide. All data that is contained in the object or its context (this includes e.g. a subtree in a container object) should be exported and imported. Exceptions are all cases where data comes from outside the context, e.g.
- user data (global user administration)
- skill assignments (global administration)
- preconditions related to objects outside of the exported context (e.g. precondition relation between an object within and outside of an exported course).
- If any other data is to be left out of the import/export the reasons have to be discussed in the Jour Fixe.
- Export import must at least work between the same major releases. Import from older releases should be possible for the last two major releases, e.g. 5.3 imports 5.3, 5.2 and 5.1 export files.
- All repository objects must implement an import and export following the guidelines in the development guide. All data that is contained in the object or its context (this includes e.g. a subtree in a container object) should be exported and imported. Exceptions are all cases where data comes from outside the context, e.g.
3.5 Decision Postponed
The following features requests will be discussed in an upcoming Jour Fixe due to missing time.
Requests for Removal:
Features with funding (announced):
- Course Management: course assignment: add all users of a role
- Course Management: option to skip Enter the course-page if direct join is possible
- Learning Module SCORM: generic import / export of learning progress for scorm modules
- Booking-Tool: Booking also possible when a Timeslot has started
- Wiki: Embedding and Scripting on Wiki Pages
- Database: Support galera cluster for MySQL
- ILIAS Page Editor: Adjusting image size in pages
- ILIAS Page Editor: Allow Page Editing on Mobile Devices
- ILIAS Page Editor: Carousel
- ILIAS Page Editor: Configuration for Page Elements
- E-Portfolio: Improved Course Presentation in Portfolio
- Forum: function to report a post to the moderator
- Blogs: Copy Blog Pages
- User Interface: Design Revision Part 2
- Portfolio: Link to edit mode of a blog on blogpage in portfolio
- Competence Management: self-assessments by 360°‑surveys in competence management
- Exercise: Second deadline for late submissions
- Exercise: Limit the number of submissions
Features appreciated by maintainer or SIG:
- Forum: Add New Posting
- Test: Improve Shuffling of Answer Options during Testpass
- My Workspace: Better Integration of Workspace with Repository
Features without funding with feedback from other users:
- Learning Communities Who is online? tool for awareness
- Test: Extract Test Results from the Participant tab and make a separate Tab of it
- User Interface: Error and No Permission Screen
- Certificate: Open Badges
- Courses and Groups: Blog-overview in member area of groups and courses
- Personal Desktop: Usability Improvements of the Personal Desktop
- User Interface: Breadcrumb Navigation Bar
- Object Templates: Administrating Settings Templates
- Course Management & Object Templates: Setting Templates Course
- RBAC, Portfolio & My Workspace: Role-based Activation of Portfolio
- Repository: Separate tracking of user access from content changes
- Portfolio: Link to view stored portfolio
Suggested features that require funding:
- WAC: Redesign Web-Access-Checker
- Performance: Lightweight profiling of requests
- Test: Style for Tests
- Booking Tool: First Come First Serve Solution
- Booking Tool: Reminders and Notifications in Booking Pool
- Learning Progress determined by Collection of Objects, yet alterable by Tutor
- Main Administration: Searchable Labels in Administration
- Learning Communities On-Screen Chat
- Learning Communities User Connections / Approved Contacts
- Groups - Import Members or Batch Selection
- Setup/Core: Modern Configuration File Format
- ILIAS Page Editor: Manual Carousel / Slider Content Element for Page Editor
- Test: Random Test Directly Linked With Pool(s)
- Test: Rearrange Elements of Test-Question-Page
- Test/Pool: Test-Parts and Question-Groups
- Learning Module ILIAS: ePUB Export
- ILIAS Page Editor: Context-dependent paragraph styles in advanced lists and tables
- ILIAS Page Editor: Linking in ILIAS Editor
- Test: Filter Revision in Manual Scoring
- Online Help: ILIAS can handle several help packages
- Media Objects and Pools: Filter for inserting media objects from media pool
- Repository: Separating Changed Inside and Number of Read Accesses
- Media Objects and Pool: Extend Usage of Content Snippets
- Organizational Units: OrgUnit behaves in RBAC like a group and category
- Learning Module HTML: Abandon Feature - Bibliographical Data in HTML Learning Modules
- Course Management: Streamline Membership Assignment Methods
- Course Management: Mail from Course Members Gallery
- RBAC: Role Template Screen Revision
- Wiki: Embedding and Scripting on Wiki Pages
- Core: Streamlining the copy process in general
- ILIAS Page Editor: Poll as Page Editor Element
- Groups: Randomly distribute a set of course / group members to a set of groups
- Media Objects: Link-areas in images: coordinates should be easily changeable + grid desirable
- Media Objects: Pop-up container: more variations desirable
- Learning Module SCORM: Feedback of questions: change of behavior requested
- News: Change Generation of RSS-Feed Link
- Learning Module ILIAS & Test: Traceable connection between tests and ILIAS-learning module
- Test: Detailed feedback (text and hyperlinks) after test is finished
- Files & Learning Module ILIAS: Collaborative Annotation / Social Reading
- Mail: Placeholder_FIRST_NAME_in_fields_CC_and_BCC
- ILIAS Page Editor: Content Snippets in Pages of Container Objects
- ILIAS Page Editor: Content Snippets in Portfolio Pages
- ILIAS Page Editor: Content Snippets in Wiki Pages
- Portfolio: PDF-Printing a Portfolio
- Learning Module SCORM: Learning Progress: including a genuine percentage score for SCORM modules
- Export: Export HTML source code to Excel
- Test: Multiple pass scoring: change default setting to scoring the best pass
- Test: Using Signature-Plugin and Max. Processing Time simultaneously
- User Interface: 'Availability' in Action-Menue and 'Settings'-Tab
- Course Management: Printable Member List for Members
- Course Management: Additional sorting options for My Courses and Groups
- Search: Switch off Content Search but still search for Users
- Learning Progress: Privacy Improvements of the Learning Progress for Course Members
- Course Management: Send Mail when Course Copying is Finished
- Learning Module SCORM: Internal Links for SCORM Modules
- Booking Tool: Filter for free ressources
- Booking Tool: Import form Untis or Davinci
- My Workspace: Mediacast in My Workspace
- Learning Communities: Teams
- Learning Progress: Precondition "Failed" for test object
- Exercise: Editable team constellations
- Exercise: Building Teams out of Groups
- Learning Modules HTML: timestamp for last changes in HTML Learning Modules
- News: Present (manually created) news on course content page
4 Miscellaneous
HHVM Installation for ILIAS 5.0
Since mid of February we have HHVM running for our test50 installation. We can now use test50 via Apache or via HHVM. This will allow us to test if 5.0 is fully supporting HHVM (first problems have already been noticed). The following URLs can be used to access test50
- test50 via HHVM: hhvm50.ilias.de
- test50 via Apache: test50.ilias.de
Error Handling (Proposal of the SIG Refactoring)
The SIG Refactoring wants to discuss its proposal for an improved Error Handling in ILIAS.
- Introduction of Whoops as exception handler
- Remove PEAR error handlers
Next Jour Fixe
Monday, March 16, 2015, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne
Last edited: 1. Jun 2023, 14:36, Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]