Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



Date and place:

  • Monday, November 24, 2014, from 10h00 - 17h15 at Databay AG AG, Würselen
  • Björn Heyser, Michael Jansen, Alexander Killing, Richard Klees, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Guido Vollbach

1 Appointments

2014-11-25: ILIASuisse
2014-12-02: ILIAS-NRW, ÄKWL Münster
2014-12-02: ILIAS-Süd, Uni Tübingen
2014-12-08: Jour Fixe
2014-12-22: Jour Fixe
2015-01-05: Jour Fixe
2015-03-26: DevConf, Uni Bern

2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 5.0.0 Beta2 published at November 07, 2014
  • ILIAS 4.4.6 published at November 22, 2014
  • ILIAS 4.3.9 published at August 26, 2014
  • ILIAS 4.2.10 published at July 31, 2014 (last release of this version)
Next releases:
  • 5.0.0 Beta3 is scheduled for beginning of December 2014
  • 4.4.7 is scheduled for January 2015
  • 4.3.10 is scheduled for November 20, 2014

We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:

  1. Mantis 8992: Test result with more than 100%: We support the activation of the table locking for 4.4/5.0. @bheyser: Please write a short statement on the 4.4.7 release page.
  2. Mantis 14661: PD vs. activate public comments: We would like to centralize the settings for 5.0 and get rid of the redundant settings storage in objects like lm or blog.
  3. 14654: WYSIWIG text editor boxes rendered too large on MacOS X: We should not introduce any CSS rules "per property". This bloats up the CSS and is too hard to maintain. We should try to make this a general behaviour for textareas that are "sub-options" in form. Maybe the template of ilTextareaInputGUI needs to set an additional class for this purpose.

3 Development of ILIAS 5.0

The former version 4.5 is now named 5.0 (and 4.6 has become 5.1 accordingly).

3.1 ILIAS 5.0 Statistics

The data of the following overview is taken from the page Release 5.0. All developers are requested to update the status of their features.

Feature Status

This Jour Fixe

Last Jour Fixe

A : Fully implemented and bugfixed features with final acceptance by Jour Fixe (during beta)



B : Features completely tested



C : Already implemented but need testing / or are currently in testing and bugfixing phase



Notice: It is the maintainer's responsibility to add features to list B and C, while only the Jour Fixe move features to list A.

3.2 ILIAS 5.0 Development Issues

  1. Mantis 14547: Learning Progress Activation in Sessions: We agree that it should be possible to deactivate the learning progress. The usual tab should be displayed. As an exceptional case the creation screen of the session should feature a checkbox for the lp activation.
  2. Mantis 14639: No privacy statement in ILIAS: Matthias will add a feature wiki page for this issue.
  3. Mantis 14461: Naming of Registration Procedure for Sessions: We approve the changes, the radios should be kept, the ordering should be changed as suggested by MK.
  4. UI: Header Section: We would like to try out "Alternative 1" and to optimize the location (esp. vertical) of the main menu entries.
  5. Improving Overview Page of Postings (2): We agree that the settings screen should be optimized as sugested by MK in August. Due to technical reasons (see correspongin bug report) it is not feasible to make the title clickable.
  6. ListGUI Guideline: We support the idea to hide "keys" in key/value pairs if possible. Keys should only be used, if the meaning of the values alone is unclear. This should become a guideline in the DEV guide.
    • We worked through Matthias list and agreed to most of the points except:
      • We keep "Availability" as it is.
      • For the tags we would need a mockup and an implemented style, before we can remove the key.
    • Please continue to work through the list of properties as collected by Jörg on the Improving ListGUI page.
  7. Support for HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM): Matthias will ask Anton to setup HHVM on the test installation.

3.3 Final Revision of 5.0 Features

The following features still need modifications before accepting them finally:

  • Test: Refactoring of Cloze-Question-Editing UI : We finally accept the implementation, if
    • buttons are migrated to bootstrap ui
    • the gap overlay is fixed (suggestion: ILIAS modal component)
    • we introduce a general CSS class for "invalid" input fields (defining a background color)
    • style of invalid fields should be changed as soon as the content changes not "on blur".

We had a look on the following implemented features and decided about final acceptance:

Finally accepted:

  1. Survey: Print and email own answers
Modifications needed:
  1. none

3.4 Testing Status

For the following ILIAS components testing is completed - according to the testers [1]:

  • Booking Tool, tested by Wolfgang Hübsch
  • Glossary, tested by Alexandra Tödt
  • ILIAS page editor, tested by Balliel & Erkens
  • Learning module ILIAS, tested by Balliel & Erkens
  • Mediacast, tested by Christine Berggold
  • Media Objects and Pools, tested by Matthias Kunkel
  • Notes & Comments, tested by Sascha Kaiser
  • Tagging, tested by Sascha Kaiser

We had a look into Testrail and discussed the current testing status.

  • At the time being, we have 1282 test cases in Testrail. Some modules are still tested with Excel testcases.
  • It looks as if only about 30% of ILIAS has already been tested. There are some components that have not been tested yet at all. Reasons are missing testers (see DevGuide) or a delay in testing. We try to find testers at least for important components like "Search", "Preconditions" and "Repository". The current time frame for testing 5.0 is open until November 30.
  • We are afraid that the testing won't be finished in time to have all components well tested and to offer each maintainer the possibility to decide if she/he declares her/his components as stable - which is the prerequisite for packing a 5.0.0 stable release.
  • Matthias will make a report about the testing status after November 30 and give a feedback about the latest testing status. At the next Jour Fixe at December 08, we would like to decide when a stable 5.0.0 (or a RC1) could be published. Precondition would be to have at least 75% test cases tested!

4 Feature Requests for ILIAS 5.1

  1. Test: Long Menu Question: We appreciate the feature in general. We suggest the following changes:
    • The think that the reusability of the input element in the authoring screen (two list element with "<" ">" icons) may be limited - but the general use case (select some elements from a large list) is. The suggested element will not work in filter elments of tables and it will not work very well in "multi"-input scenarios. Additionally a responsive version for small screen may be hard to implement. We would suggest a user interface element close to the taxonomy node selection input element, that works with an overlay (for showing a larger list). The overlay should include a multi-select list (that reacts on simple mouse click without the need to press any special keys). Additionally the selected items should be visible, either in the overlay (e.g. on top) or in the form element (being updated immediately).
    • Please check if we can implement a simple way to edit the large list within ILIAS without the need to upload files, e.g. to correct typos or remove single elements.
  2. Course Management: Start and End Date for Courses: We appreciate this feature and schedule it for 5.1. We think the property should be called "Course Period, Course Begin, Course End"/"Kurszeitraum, Kursbeginn, Kursende". We think the properties are not only valuable for "on-site" courses. Recommended Location for the option: "Settings" > "Course Settings" > End of first "Edit Course" section. Two text input calendar fields should be used (no checkbox, no time). The start/end dates for courses, tests, surveys should all be migrated to text input versions of the calendar input element.

Decision postponed

The following features requests have been postponed to an upcoming Jour Fixe due to missing time.

  1. Notes and Comments: Notification to the author or administrator if a new comment was posted
  2. Personal Profile: Option to disable/hide the Export Profile-Button
  3. ILIAS Page Editor: configurable Autostart for Videos
  4. Registration-Login-Authentication: Letter Avatars
  5. Security: Password Recovery by using secret question
  6. Database: MS SQL Support
  7. Security: WAC: Enable Web-Access-Checker by default
  8. ILIAS Page Editor: Time-based activation of sections
  9. Test: Update questions from pools to tests
  10. Search Engine: Search in blog
  11. Learning Module SCORM: Password protection for SCORM Modules
  12. Performance: Lightweight profiling of requests
  13. Test: Style for Tests
  14. Course Management: course assignment: add all users of a role
  15. Course Management: option to skip Enter the course-page if direct join is possible
  16. Booking Tool: First Come First Serve Solution
  17. Booking Tool: Reminders and Notifications in Booking Pool
  18. User Interface: Error and No Permission Screen
  19. Forum: Add New Posting
  20. Learning Module SCORM: generic import / export of learning progress for scorm modules
  21. Learning Progress determined by Collection of Objects, yet alterable by Tutor
  22. Main Administration: Searchable Labels in Administration
  23. Booking-Tool: Booking also possible when a Timeslot has started
  24. Learning Communities Who is online? tool for awareness
  25. Learning Communities On-Screen Chat
  26. Learning Communities User Connections / Approved Contacts
  27. Groups - Import Members or Batch Selection
  28. Setup/Core: Modern Configuration File Format
  29. ILIAS Page Editor: Manual Carousel / Slider Content Element for Page Editor
  30. Wiki: Embedding and Scripting on Wiki Pages
  31. Test: Excel-Export: disable setting "shuffle questions"
  32. Test: Improve Shuffling of Answer Options during Testpass
  33. Test Question Pool: Ordering questions: order pictures is not available in horizontal mode
  34. Test: Random Test Directly Linked With Pool(s)
  35. Export of Date Format Guideline
  36. Test: Rearrange Elements of Test-Question-Page
  37. Database: Support galera cluster for MySQL
  38. Test/Pool: Test-Parts and Question-Groups
  39. Learning Module ILIAS: ePUB Export
  40. Blog / Portfolio: Adjusting image size in pages
  41. ILIAS Page Editor: Allow Page Editing on Mobile Devices
  42. ILIAS Page Editor: Add subscript and superscript
  43. ILIAS Page Editor: Copy and Paste elements in ILIAS Page Editor
  44. ILIAS Page Editor: Export Content of ILIAS page editor
  45. ILIAS Page Editor: Extending Span Formatting
  46. ILIAS Page Editor: Delimiter Tag for Paragraphs
  47. ILIAS Page Editor: Full Screen mode for images as a greybox
  48. ILIAS Page Editor: Interpretation of http URLs
  49. ILIAS Page Editor: Link to User Name
  50. ILIAS Page Editor: Linking in ILIAS Editor
  51. ILIAS Page Editor: Configuration for Page Elements
  52. ILIAS Page Editor: Context-dependent paragraph styles in advanced lists and tablesTest: Filter Revision in Manual Scoring
  53. Online Help: Online Help: Search
  54. Online Help: ILIAS can handle several help packages
  55. Media Objects and Pools: Filter for inserting media objects from media pool
  56. Separating Changed Inside and Number of Read Accesses
  57. E-Portfolio: Improved Course Presentation in Portfolio
  58. Media Objects and Pool: Extend Usage of Content Snippets
  59. Organizational Units: OrgUnit behaves in RBAC like a group and category:

5 Miscellaneous

SIG Refactoring

Richard Klees and Oskar Truffer are suggesting to create a Special Interest Group Refactoring and to ease the daily development of ILIAS by an improved software architecture. The SIG shall not be a concurrent meeting to the core developer meeting.
A first meeting is planned for January. Richard will offer a survey with the invitation to the SIG to collect the "pain points" and to find topics that can be discussed by the SIG and for which solutions might be developed.

Next Jour Fixe

Monday, December 08, 2014, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne

[1] Fixing of reported bugs is still needed.

Last edited: 31. May 2023, 17:22, Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]