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Improved Course Presentation in Portfolio

1 Requirements

The feature Representing Current Courses in e-Portfolios should be extended and have a better usability and support for Learning-Objectives-Driven Courses (LODC).

  1. For LODC the title of an objective should be linked to open the related course and show the learning objective (if the user has READ permission for this course).
  2. The title of a learning objective (LO) should have a mouseover with the LO description.
  3. If a course has LO they should not be presented immediatelly but only when clicking on a OPEN arrow in front of the course. This avoids visual clutter when having a lot of LODC.
  4. In opened LO a link should be offered to test result pages to read more about the test results of this user - if the user has access to these results).
  5. The list of courses and LO should get proper CSS-IDs or CSS classes to allow layout customizing of theses lists.
  6. The viewer of the portfolio is able to change the sorting of the course list like on the personal desktop "Alphabetically" and "By Location".
  7. The page compponent for the course list gets a new option for the default sorting "Alphabetically" and "By Location".

2 Additional Information


  • Idea / concept: Oliver Samoila, oliver.samoila@hsu-hh.de
  • Funding: DHBW
  • Maintainer: Alexander Killing, Leifos
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Leifos
  • Test cases by: …

3 Discussion

New Requirement of SIG Portfolio, 2015-02-03 (These features are not part of the funding of the upper features):

  • We want that one can select courses that are displayed in the element 'My Course' for the portfolio. Users should be presented with a full list of courses they are members of. They select from that list to choose courses to be included into the 'My Courses' element.
  • We want the list to be manually sortable.

JF 30 Mar 2015: We appreciate the feature incl. the comment of the SIG from 2015-02-03. The manual sorting should only be available for the manual selected set of courses. The default behaviour should be kept as in 5.0 (dynamic list of all courses). If the user sorts the list manually the viewer of the portfolio cannot change the sorting.

, 24 Jul 2015: I just wanted to point out that as the manual sorting/selection part of the feature is not funded in any way it will not be part of 5.1. In case anyone is confused about the JF comment.

Oliver Samoila (for SIG ePortfolio), 27 Jul 2015: Addition: On SIG meeting (March 2015) was agreement that this must be a new feature or be an extended form (possibly a configuration mask), which can not be part of this featurerequest. (Sorry for late addition. I hope there is no confusion)

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 03, 2015: Thank you, Jörg, for clarifying that the functions mentioned in the discussion post from February 03 are a new request and not part of this request. Please add a new feature wiki page to discuss and decide upon this request.

4 Implementation

, 13 Aug 2015: Published sorting, linked titles, tooltips and collapsed objectives in trunk (list items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6). The objective progressbar (part of list item 4) is still missing because it is dependent on the rest of the Optes merges (Learning Objectives-Driven Course).

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2015-08-14 by Oliver Samolia andAlexandra Tödt

  • http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/1686 : C1686 Meine Kurse einfügen


Tested successfully and approved at 2015-08-14 by Oliver Samoila. 

Last edited: 24. Aug 2016, 14:41, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]