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Anonymous in Settings Tab of  Surveys

1 Requirements

Currently in the Setting Tab in Surveys the issue of the "Names and Participant Identification in Statistics" is lumped together with the unrelated question of "Authentication by Codes": These two concepts are grouped as three options with radiobuttons under the title "Mode".
These two concepts should be dealt with seperately. We have discussed this at length in a bug report 10922.

Suggested Solution:

Section label: Privacy in Statistics

  • Radio button with option label: With Names
    • Byline: Participants and their answers to the survey are shown in the Statistics Tabs. Other participants that have access to this tab can identify them.
  • Radio button with option label: Without Names
    • Byline: The answers of participants to the survey are shown in the Statistics Tabs but no names are provided. Other participants that have access to this tab cannot attribute answers to partcipants.
Section label: Authentication by Codes for External Users
  • Checkbox with Byline: External Users that have not registered in ILIAS can answer the survey without giving their name (anonymously) or logging in. They get access to the surve by entering a code on the Info-tab. You will get new tab in the survey for generating the codes.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0
  • Funding: No funding required
  • Maintainer: Jörg Lützenkirchen
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Jörg Lützenkirchen
  • Contract settled: Not necessary
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about concept: (name, e-mail)
  • Information about funding: (name, e-mail)
  • Information about implementation: (name, e-mail)

4 Discussion

JF 27 Oct 2014: We support the idea and schedule it as a usability improvement for 5.0.

5 Implementation

JL 27 Nov 2014: The settings form has been adapted to this feature request.

Last edited: 27. Nov 2014, 14:20, Undisclosed