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Booking also possible when a Timeslot has started

1 Requirements

When a timeslot has started, you can not book anymore the ressource.
The behaviour should be: At the end of a timeslot the booking is impossible, not at the beginning.
You can book a room from 10.00-11.00
When its 10.01 a clock, you can not book the room even though it is would be available.
It would be better when the option to book would end at 11.00, not at 10.00.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: wolfgang.huebsch@kivinan.de
  • Funding: Kivinan BBS Zeven, wolfgang.huebsch@kivinan.de
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Contract settled: No
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Discussion

, 12 Jan 2016: (Additional information)
In Zeitplänen kann eine Zeitspanne angegeben werden, die eingehalten werden muss, wenn ein Zeitfenster gebucht wird. Die Option in den Zeitplänen soll nun so geändert werden, dass auch eine Buchung in angebrochenen Zeitfenstern möglich ist.„Buchungszeitpunkt“

  • Zeitspanne vor Beginn des Zeitfensters
    • __ Stunden (numerische Eingabe, wie aktuell)
  • Buchung bei bereits begonnenen Zeitfenstern erlauben

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Feb 29, 2016: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.2. The setting for the time period should be realised as a radio buttons with three options:

  • Booking possible until X hours prior booking period
  • Booking possible until start of booking period
  • Booking possible also after start of booking period

Wolfgang Hübsch 05 Mar 2016: Funding is available (we allready paid for a patch) for 2 radiobuttons, see picture below. Can this solution also become part of 5.2?

, 07 Mar 2016: I agreed to this change because it will make the default value (0/empty deadline vs. possible until start) easier to understand. This will lead to no additional cost regarding the trunk integration.

JF 30 Mar 2015: We appreciate this as an optional behaviour and schedule it for 5.1.

4 Implementation

, 31 Mar 2016: The feature has been implemented as described above - according to the JF decision to have 3 instead of 2 radio options.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-08-16 by atoedt

  • amended: 6169: Zeitplan hinzufügen und Start-/Enddatum festlegen
  • new: 12950: Buchung zum spätesten Zeitpunkt durchführen


Approved at 13 Jan 2016 by Wolfgang Hübsch.

Last edited: 18. Aug 2016, 09:46, Undisclosed