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Add New Posting

1 Requirements

The forum in the current implementation supports only answering on existing forum postings (except when you create a new thread). This has two ugly impacts:
  • The "Reply" link is a little link text in the row of forum actions at the bottom of each posting.
  • If the "Order by Date" view is enabled, every "Reply" is indented as it is related to the posting where the "Reply" link has been hit.
What would be better is:
  • Having a proper button at the bottom of the postings block to create a new posting.
    • If "Order by Date" is activated, the posting is placed after the last posting (like now).
    • If "Sort by Post" is activated, the posting gets a top node position (and only postings created by hitting "Reply" are indented - BTW: "Reply" could be renamed to "Reply to this posting")

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Jansen, Michael [mjansen] 27 Oct 2014: I as the maintainer highly appreciate this request.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 08, 2015: The Jour Fixe decided today: "We support the idea to introduce Split Buttons. A first use case should be the actions in forum postings. The "Reply" action should be triggered by the button part, all other actions should be placed in the drop down. Before split buttons are introduced in other places a separate JF discussion is needed."

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 22 June 2015: We discussed the current implementation and suggest:
  • To rename "Add new answer" to "Add Posting"
  • To rename "Reply to this posting" to "Reply"
  • To represent the toolbar on top exacly like to toolbar on the bottom, without the "Top of Page" link.
  • To keep the "Reply" feature in the "Order by Date" view, otherwise it is impossible to quote other postings. We think this is more important than a nice looking posting tree. Any other opinions on this?

Jansen, Michael [mjansen] 22 Jun 2015: Changed (in edge GIT branch) according to JF.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 22 June 2015: @Michael: If we ask "any other opinions on this?" you may wait a decent time before committing anything ;-) I guess these changes are quickly done, but especially the last point is still open, since Matthias had another opinion.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 22, 2015: I agree with the suggestions of the Jour Fixe. IMHO the Reply buttons in the "flat" view will have no bad influence on the tree presentation.

4 Implementation

4.1 Description

June 22, 2015: Implemented according requirements and additional suggestions by Jour Fixe.

4.2 Test Cases

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]