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option to skip Enter the course-page if direct join is possible

1 Requirements

When there is no requirement to enter a course, there a enough free seats etc and a "you can join directly this course" - it can be more useful to skip this page aenter the course directly.
in compare
feature deactivated (default and todays behavior):

  1. user clicks the course in the repository
  2. Screen "you can enter this course directly" is displayed
  3. user click to join the course
  4. user is member of the course
feature activated:
  1. user clicks the course in the repository
  2. user is member of the course

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Joel Hesse, j.hesse (at) douglas-informatik (dot) de 
  • Interest in funding: Parfümerie Douglas GmbH
  • Maintainer: Stefan Meyer, Leifos GmbH
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Qualitus, Köln, Colin Kiegel
  • Test cases by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Discussion

of course, its possible to use the registration link, BUT this is an EXTERNAL Link in the editor - so it opens up in a new tab, is not updated automatically etc.
This feature improves the usability.

This also applies to group objects.

JF 30 Mar 2015: We reject this feature becoming a part of the ILIAS standard. Our main concern is usability. The behaviour of course links would be very different depending on the preconditions. Users would not expect to be directly a member of the course. They would have to leave immediately and course admins get unnecessary mails.

CK 30 Mar 2015: @JF I think the objection is only partially correct. As I understand this request, it was intended to be optional. I.e. you could decide on a per course basis if you want to deactivate the confirmation/welcome screen. Therefore no one would be forced to use it. On the other hand, I know at least 4 customers (possibly more), where we had to use workarounds to mimic this exact behaviour. From these experiences I can also tell that it did not lead to negative side effects, as described by you. I am (still) strongly in favour of this feature.

Joel Hesse:

I ask the JF to review the decision. In my opinion the usability is not better/more usable, if the user have to skip a useless page, which only says "hit next to enter this course".

I understand in some cases this site is needed, but i don't see / can't understand the need in general.
Perhaps this "need" is only because many users are accustomed to this behavior?
New ILIAS-Users are not accustomed to see a useless page.

In my opinion ILIAS would become a bit more user-friendly and easier.

The feature is already developed and mostly ready to use. As CK said, it would be optional.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Jan 04, 2015: It is not clear for us if the request is to have an option for joining a course without confirmation as an option per course or to get a general setting for courses with registration procedure 'Join Directly' for the entire installation. The first option would lead to different behaviour for "join directly" courses within one installation while the second would allow only one behaviour (with or without confirmation).

The majority of the members of the SIG Corporate which voted at the 7th of September 2016 in Utrecht appreciate this feature request and ask the maintainer and the ProductOwner to consider the trunk-integration of this feature in reasonable way as soon there is a funding available.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 9. Sep 2016, 22:31, Hesse, Joel [Joel_Hesse]