Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Password protection for SCORM Modules

1 Requirements

We would like an option to set an own password for each SCORM module.
Example: a course contains three SCORM modules A, B and C. The course tutor wants to set different passwords for module A and B, while module C should be accessible without password.

2 Status

• Funding: Required
• Maintainer:
• Implementation of the feature is done by
• Contract settled: No
• Tested by / status:

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:
• Information about concept:
• Information about funding: Klaus Zimmermann, k.zimmermann@fh-muenster.de
• Information about implementation:

4 Discussion

FS: Please consider an implementation of password protection for all ILIAS Modules (maybe in combination with Availability).

Jour Fixe, 02 Feb 2015: We reject this request. If access by password on the level of content objects (SCORM) should be introduced we would need it for all repository objects as well. Courses, groups and tests are reasonable exceptions for us. For a general implementation (for all repository objects) a technical concept would be required (central, simple implementation, clear separation from existing password implementation,...), since we fear an overcomplex solution on the code side.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 3. Jun 2015, 19:11, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]