Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe takes place at Monday, June 23, 2014, from 12h30 - 17h40 at ILIAS open source eLearning e.V. in Cologne. Participants:
- Björn Heyser, Michael Jansen, Colin Kiegel, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer
1 Appointments
2014-07-01: Annual meeting of ILIAS Advisory Council, Fürth
2014-07-02: ILIAS-Süd at Uni Erlangen in Fürth
2014-07-08: SIG Performance, ILIAS office, @ Qualitus Cologne
2014-09-29: ILIAS Development Conference in Bozen
2014-09-30 - 10-01: 13th International ILIAS Conference in Bozen
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.4.3 published at May 14, 2014
- ILIAS 4.3.7 published at March 21, 2014
- ILIAS 4.2.9 published at September 04, 2013
- 4.4.4 is scheduled for July 04, 2014
- 4.3.8 is scheduled for June 27, 2014
- 4.2.10 is scheduled for July 2014
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:
- #13334 - web access checker for poll images - We would like to introduce a new guideline for this: Data Directory Guideline. The new general rewrite rule may already be introduced with a bugfix for this report.
- Data Directory Guideline: We schedule this guideline for 4.5. All new directories should follow this guideline. We hope to get funding for a migration of existing subdirectories.
- #13358 - ECS Settings: All default permissions of ECS related object must be listed in a separate tab. This has already been a decision when the feature has been implemented with 4.3, see: ECS Category or ECS File ...
- #13379 - Tests writing Learning Progress: We do not see any way to solve this issue with a bug fix, since it would require some fundamental conceptual changes. We opened a feature request:
- Learning Progress Trigger after Finish: We schedule this as a usability fix for for 4.5.
- #10922 - Survey authentication mode: Separating the options and adding a new combination (non-anonymized with codes) must be requested in a feature wiki entry. As a bug fix, the setting should be renamed from "Authentication Mode" to "Mode" and "Zugrifssmodus" to "Modus".
- #13428 - Problem with class.ilObjForum::updateLastAccess(): We discussed the issue today. Please check if Björn Heyser's magic file locker would be a solution.
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.5
3.1 ILIAS 4.5 Statistics
According to the presentation at the last Development Conference we want to improve the documentation of the development process. The data of the following overview of development activities for the next upcoming major release is taken from the page Release 5.0. All developers are requested to update the status of their features.
Feature Status | Number of Features |
A: Fully implemented and bugfixed features with final acceptance by Jour Fixe | 0 |
B: Features currently in testing and bugfixing phase | 3 |
C: Already implemented but need testing | 11 |
D: Features currently in development | 9 |
E: Development not started yet but contract settled | 10 |
F: Scheduled for 4.5 and funding but no contract yet | 52 |
G: Scheduled for 4.5 but only parly funded yet | 14 |
H: Scheduled for 4.5 but no funding yet | 74 |
3.2 ILIAS 4.5 Development Issues
Reported in Mantis:
- #13453 Usability improvement für Mail in Courses and Groups : Sorry, we cannot consider this being a bug. Please add this suggestion to the feature wiki.
- #13375 - Rename Item Group: Alexander will work out a solution for 4.5.
- #13372 "Insert Resource List" Screen is packed with non-informative lables: Alexander will work out a solution for 4.5.
- Streamlining: Copy Forum
- Save a page modification automatically
- Relabel Core Conepts
- Deactivation of notifications about new memberships
- Password protection for SCORM Modules
3.3 Feature Requests for 4.5
The following list contains features that have been added to the Feature Wiki before feature freeze and are supported by the responsible component maintainer, see also Feature Requests 5.0. Please do not add new features on this list.
The first twelve have already been discussed and – some of them – scheduled in a special Jour Fixe at June 13, 2014:
- ECS: ECS Membership Status: We appreciate this request and schedule it for 4.5.
- ECS: Configuration of ECS Meta Data: We appreciate this request and schedule it for 4.5.
- ECS: Deactivation of ECS token Mechanism: We appreciate this request and schedule the support for Shibboleth for 4.5.
- Calendar: Better Performance for Recurring Calendar Appointments: We appreciate this request and schedule it for 4.5. Funding is still needed.
- Repository: Precondition Triggers Learning Module and Plugin: We discussed this request and the concepts for preconditions and learning progress, see chap. 1.1. We need to document both concepts and check if no problems would occur when implementing this feature. We need to have this information before we can schedule this feature. Update, June 23: Jörg documented the current precodition/LP implementations in the dev guide. We see no problems in introducing a new precondition mode, that checks the "learning progress completed" status. This can be offered for learning modules an plugins for ILIAS 4.5. In the future we would like to offer the same options for preconditions and lp modes as described above by using a central implementation.
- Registration: Further improvement of code-based registration incl. unification of registration and reactivation codes: We appreciate this request and schedule it for 4.5. We also support a tree-based course/group selection using the current explorer ui component.
- RBAC: Block Role Extension: We still appreciate the second part of this request and schedule it for 4.5. Update June 23, 2014: We confirm the scheduling for 4.5. Permission screens should offer an additional filter that allows to hide blocked roles.
- ILIAS Page Editor: Add comments to single text-/media elements: Due to the dependency to a possible CKEditor migration (see Suggestions for an Improved ILIAS Page Editor (outdated)), we postpone this topic to 4.6 earliest.
- ILIAS Page Editor: (Advisory Council) Linking_in_ILIAS_Editor Due to the dependency to a possible CKEditor migration (see Suggestions for an Improved ILIAS Page Editor (outdated)), we postpone this topic to 4.6 earliest.
- ILIAS Page Editor: Media object image/media: custom size in percent: We would like to implement a solution that results in a "max-width 100%" like behaviour automatically, if pictures are included in the page editor, even if Javascript needs to be used. We schedule this for ILIAS 4.5. Alexander will provide a prototypish implementation on the 4.5 test installation.
- Wiki: Extending Linking Options in Wiki: We support this feature request and the solution outlined in comment of May 16 by Alexander and schedule it for 4.5.
- Wiki: Start Page Handling: We support this feature request and the solution outlined in comment of June 12 by Alexander and schedule it for 4.5.
- Learning Module SCORM: SCORM without iframe/frames / Support for HTML5-Learning Modules: We appreciate this development and schedule it for 4.5.
- Learning Module SCORM / Learning Progress, Reporting and Statistics: Specificities for offline SCORM modules in the Learning Progress: We are unsure how this information should be presented on the generalized learning progress screens. A new type-dependent status (only applicable for SCORM) would conflict with the general learning progress approach, similar a new table column. What happens (should happen) with the status, when the user downloads the package? Does it switch to "In Progress"? Would it be possible to tackle your requirement by adding a new overview to SCORM objects (or to extend the "Offline Use" screen), and not to extend the learning progress views? We currently do not schedule this for 4.5.
- Learning Module SCORM / Learning Progress: Possibility to reduce stored data for privacy issues: Again, which data fields should be added to ut_lp_marks exactly? We do not understand the detailed technical implications and cannot schedule this for 4.5.
- Learning Module SCORM: Default values for newly added SCORM modules: We support the idea and schedule it for 4.5. The defaults should be organised using "setting templates" (see tests and surveys). The feature should be implemented accordingly.
- Learning Module SCORM: Importing SCORM metadata into ILIAS metadata: We support the first part of the request (import of xml metadata into ILIAS LOM metadata) and schedule it for 4.5. We reject the second part, a SCORM package is not allowed to write the metadata of a parent course.
3.4 Postponed
The following features requests have been postponed to the next Jour Fixe due to missing time.
- Learning Module SCORM: increase performance for SCORM 1.2 by changing manner of storing data
- Learning Module SCORM: SCORM 1.2: Ability to set score.max to get a percentage-value similar to score.scaled in SCORM 2004
- Learning Module SCORM: Set Specific Value For IE-compatible Mode
- Learning Module SCORM: Storing data without session for SCORM 1.2
- LTI: Consuming LTI in Repository – Basic
- Wiki: Extending User Activities for Page Editing, Protecting and Deleting - needs conceptual discussion in Jour Fixe
- Core / General: Use minify to combine javascript and css - No existing maintainership.
- File Handling: Filename Encoding - Not related to one distinct maintainership.
- Administration: Default object settings - Not related to one distinct maintainership.
- Logging: Log-Level - No maintainer yet
- Logging: Object History - No maintainer yet
- Exercise: Personalised Peer Feedback
- Test: Support commenting of questions in question pool
- Test: Abandon Flash Question Type
- Test: Abandon Java Applet Question Type
- Test: Excel-Export: disable setting shuffle questions
- Test: Item export: Include hints and media objects
- Test: PDF-Export for the several participants
- Notification System: (Advisory Council) General Notification System
- Notification System: (Advisory Council) General revision and unification of the notification system(s)
- SOAP / Webservices: SOAP Method: getLearningProgressOfAssignedCourses
- Survey: Print and email own answers
4 Miscellaneous
- Next Jour Fixe: Monday, July 07, 2014, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.
Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]