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Option to force the global publishing of the personal profile

1 Requirements

The personal profile is  NOT published to any other user of ILIAS by default.
In some scenarios its useful to enforce the publishing of some fields to all users due to companies policies.
(e.g. there is a communication policy - every user has to post in forums using his full, real name.
and the publishing of the personal picture makes the forum or comments looks more personal than the default avatar-picture)
A first version of this feature was already developed by Qualitus and is in Use by two companies at least.
This feature should be extended get part of the standard-release of ILIAS.
Option 1: (already developed):
administration - user accounts - settings:
Theres is

  • a button to publish specified details (e.g. only the name) for alle users.
  • a checkbox to prevent the users from editing the publishing settings.
  • a dropdown to set the default for new users
This Option should be extended - The specific users details to publish should be configurable. (to specify which detail of the users should be published)

screenshot of the extension already developed and in productional environment

Option 2:
Instead or additional to option 1 each user data field can by published by activating a checkbox in the settings of the data fields for users.
("immer öffentlich" => "always published")

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Joel Hesse, j.hesse (at) douglas-informatik.de
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Stefan Meyer
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Leifos, Cologne.
  • Testcases / tested by: (name, e-mail)

3 Discussion

JF 27 Oct 2014: We support the idea to introduce a global setting with these options

  • Users activate their public profile.
  • All profiles are visible for logged in users.
  • All profiles are globally visible (public section).
  • All profiles are deactivated.
For all other options we keep the discussion open (setting single user properties to public visible), since there is an ongoing "bigger" discussion related to the learning communities/awareness/approved contacts features.

Alex Killing, 19 Dec 2014: I made a quick check for the string "public_profile". Around 130 pieces of code in 13 components make use of this string. Some of them like search, learning progress, import/export make direct access to the usr_pref table. Anyone who plans an implementation should have a detailed look at all this.

Joel Hesse, 05.08.2015: it was developed and works fine for us. can it get part of the standard trunk now?

Colin Kiegel, 05.08.2015: I am sorry, I think there was a misunderstanding. The implementation for Douglas is different from what the Jour Fixe required (due to costs optimization). Therefore I removed the status "funded" and reset it to "required". IMO chances are good that someone else will fund a trunk-compatible implementation in the  future.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 02 SEP 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 2. Sep 2022, 11:39, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]