Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Option to deactivate the file upload possibility

1 Requirements

Currently, there is no option to deactivate the file upload for a new post.
To prevent illegal file uploads, protect the servers disk space, to keep the forum small and perfomant or to prevent the users from posting companies secrets there should be an option to deactivate the file upload possibility for the whole forum.
Alternatively it could be a editable right for a local or global role.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 13 Oct 2014: We support this request. A global option in the forum administration would be good.

MJ 03 Dec 2014: The code maintainer appreciates this feature request.

4 Implementation

Attachments for forum postings can be activaded/allowed globally (default).  Alternatively the platform administrator can delegate the responsibility to allow attachment s/file uploads to the specific moderators of conrecte forum objects in the ILIAS repository.

4.1 Screenshots

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 26.08.2015 by Suittenpointner, Florian [suittenpointner]

  • C6426: Adressaten für globale Kommentar-Benachrichtigung festlegen
  • C6429: Kommentar-Benachrichtigung auslösen
  • C6430: Adressaten für globale Kommentar-Benachrichtigung entfernen


Tested successfully and approved at 30.06.2015 by .

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:16, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]