Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Feature Requests 5.0

Aim of this page was to list all features that have been added to the Jour Fixe agenda before feature freeze at March 31, 2014 and that still needed to be discussed and decided. In the meantime, all reviewed and recommende features have been treated by the Jour Fixe. The remaining features on this page are postponed or rejected.

1 Reviewed and Recommended

The following list contains feature requests that have already been reviewed by the responsible maintainer and are recommended to be implemented for 4.5. This action is taken to speed up the decision making in the Jour Fixe.

  • All recommended features have been discussed in the Jour Fixe.

2 Additional Information / Discussion Needed

The following feature requests have been reviewed by the responsible maintainer but needed additional information that has not been delivered in time. Therefore, the feature request is postponed.

  1. Discussion Forums: Notification for global roles
  2. Flashcards: We postpone any decision until a detailed concept is available.
  3. Competence Management - Set minimal and desired level for competences in job profile : We postpone the decision to the next JF.
  4. Bibliography / Portfolio: Showing Bibliography in Portfolio : We postpone the decision until Martin Studer (bibliographic item maintainer) has provided a feedback on this.
  5. Streamlining: Copy Forum
  6. Test: Long Menu Question - needs Jour Fixe discussion and waiting for feedback by sender of request
  7. Administration / Repository: System Check Revision - We need additional detailed information on what should be scheduled for 4.5 before taking any decision.
  8. Permission to link object: Currently if an object is linked multiple times within the repository object, all links are handled in the same way. There is no disctinction between a "master" and "non-master" links. The concept above now would need to identify the master and to allow it to introduce the "white list" of possible permissions. A clear technical concept how this should be solved (and existing data should be migrated) needs to be added to this page before this feature can be scheduled for a major release.
The following requests require feedback from the user that posted the request in the Feature Wiki:
  1. Exercise: Lock data file after upload (seems to match with request "Exercise: Locking hand in files") - conceptual discussion needed and waiting feedback from other users needed
  2. Exercise: Table of exercises - waiting for feedback by sender of request
  3. Wiki: HTML Export Extensions - waiting for feedback by sender of request
  4. Test: Revision of MCQ: Alternative points specification for multiple choice question - concept still in work, Jour Fixe suggestions are welcome
  5. Test: Set Competence Level based on Result of Test
  6. Learning Module SCORM: SCORM Offline Player for Tablet Computers with iOS and Windows: SCORM Offline Player for Tablet Computers with iOS and Windows
  7. Web Access Checker / Learning Module SCORM: Special Web Access Checker for SCORM Learning Modules : If anything in the implementation should be changed in ILIAS 4.5, please provide a more detailed technical specification.

3 Not Reviewed

The following features have been postponed - either due to missing ressources or to missing funding (August 28, 2014).

3.1 Funding Offered

For the following feature request an interest in funding has already been announced:

  1. Administration: Maintenance Jobs
  2. Categories: Office Hours in Categories
  3. Certificate / Course: Export of certificates as zip-file for courses
  4. Course: Include group memberships in course member export
  5. Group: Unsubscribe more than one course member from a group
  6. Repository: Moving/Sorting of blocks in courses and groups like on PD
  7. User: Integration of “category social Media“ in Personal Data

3.2 No Funding

The following requests are currently not funded:

  1. Who is online? tool for awareness
  2. Contacts: User Connections / Approved Contacts
  3. Course / Group: Memberlist - Name sign
  4. Course / Group: Introduction of Individual Assessment
  5. Course: New text box in the right column of courses
  6. Course: Series of Courses
  7. Course: Templates for Courses
  8. Course: Using SCORM modules to validate course objectives
  9. Data Collection Sorting Concept : S+R-Mantis: 1302 - No access to website
  10. Data Collection Slider for Entries : S+R-Mantis: 1304 - No access to website
  11. Group: Member list in nested groups
  12. Group: Role group tutor available by default in new groups
  13. Group: Teams
  14. On-Screen Chat
  15. Learning Module ILIAS: Essay Questions in LM with Immediate Feedback
  16. Learning Module SCORM: export learning data with ability to import data
  17. Learning Module SCORM: SCORM 1.2: option to support SAVE 1.0, used by german insurance industry
  18. Learning Module SCORM: Set Specific Value For Character Set
  19. Personal Desktop: Remove System Messages from Personal Desktop
  20. RBAC / Object Templates: Allow Multiple ExcludePattern or IncludePattern Items
  21. RBAC / Object Templates: Avoid Inheritance Break of Protected Roles in LocalPolicyAction
  22. RBAC / Object Templates: Introduce Code for ref_id Wildcard in Role Titles
  23. RBAC / Object Templates: Restrict Use of Object Templates
  24. Repository: Content Item Sorting by Creation Date
  25. Repository: Precondition Triggers Learning Module and Plugin
  26. Session: Content Page for Session
  27. Session: « Cannot Attend » Button in Sessions
  28. Sessions: Hide columns in edit participants tab of a session
  29. SOAP / Webservices: Function to assign an existing Ilias user to a course (join course)
  30. Test: Streamlining Answer Input Fields
  31. User: Clickable Links in Personal Profile
  32. User: Explaining the Purpose of the Personal Profile
  33. User: Offering Help / Looking for Help
  34. User: Options for Publishing Personal Profile
  35. User: Prompting to Personal Profile in First Access
  36. User: Quick Access to Personal Profile via Main Menue Actions
  37. User: User Clipboard

4 Duplicate or Outdated Requests

The following wiki pages are outdated or collections of requests. There is no need to discuss them. For documentation purposes they are still listed.

  1. Calendar: Improved Handling of Calendar – Decisions made upon the four included calendar features (all scheduled for 4.5 in the meantime, see also Calendar Crowdfunding Activity)
  2. [[[Project] Concept for Learning Communities]] - This is just a page with several features that belong to the concept of Learning Communities. The features itself have to be discussed in detail.
  3. Core / General: (Advisory Council) Forcing the full implementation of guidelines: Guidelines - This is not really a feature request but more usability bugfixing - therefore no maintainer statement is needed.
  4. Tin Can API - This page is outdated and replaced by xAPI

5 Rejected or Postponed Requests

The following feature requests have been rejected by the maintainer or postponed to a later version due to technical or conceptual issues that need to be solved before:

  • Online Help: Multilingual Support Online Help : Recommendation to start an English online help project after having finished the streamlining of the German user interface and the migration of these changes to the English UI.
  • Learning Module SCORM / Learning Progress, Reporting and Statistics: Clarification of Learning Progress data regarding SCORM modules (and others): We would like to prevent the presentation of object type specific data in the general learning progress presentations whenever possible. Could the requirements be met by additional learner views of the scorm tracking data? We reject the original request.
  • Licenses / Learning Module SCORM: Improved License Management: Currently the license management in ILIAS is unmaintained. Any extensions would need a volunteer that would like to take over the maintenance for the the existing code. Some general work needs to be done in the UI (Table2GUI, Form classes, ...). Otherwise this component may be a candidate to be abandoned in ILIAS 4.6.

Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 15:20, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]