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Precondition Triggers Learning Module and Plugin

1 Requirements

With ILIAS release 4.4 the following objects can be used a precondition trigger:

  • Courses
  • Exercises
  • Tests
  • Surveys
  • SCORM-Modules
The following object should support the use as precondition trigger by implementing the new interface "interface.ilConditionHandlingTrigger.php":
  • Repository Object Plugins
  • Learning Modules

1.1 Meeting MK, SM, JL, AK, 13 June 2014

We discussed the current precondition concept and its relation to the learning progress (settings) concept today.

  • We see a need to extract the learning progress mode settings out of the learning progress and make them available as "Completion Status Settings" (or under a better naming) in general.
  • We also suggest to reuse/map the status determination concepts between the learning progress and the preconditions. In general both components should support the same modes.
    • The learning progress mode determines for an object, when the status "Completed" is set.
    • The precondition defines which "status logic" is used to fulfill the precondition (defined per target object).
  • The preconditions should add one additional mode "Completed" which routes the status determination to the logic defined in the settings of the object.
  • When these modes are selected in settings screen, description texts should clearly state how they work.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0 (LP completed precondition mode for LM and Plugins)
  • Funding: Funded by FH Aachen
  • Maintainer: Stefan Meyer
  • Implementation of the feature is done by leifos, Stefan Meyer
  • Contract settled: Yes
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about concept: Stefan Meyer
  • Information about funding: Stefan Meyer
  • Information about implementation: Stefan Meyer, meyer at leifos.com

4 Discussion

Stefan Meyer, 26 May, 2014: I support this request.

Jörg Lützenkirchen, Matthias Kunkel, Alexander Killing, Stefan Meyer, 13 June 2014: We discussed this request and the concepts for preconditions and learning progress, see chap. 1.1. We need to document both concepts and check if no problems would occur when implementing this feature. We need to have this information before we can schedule this feature.

JF 23 June 2014: Jörg documented the current precodition/LP implementations in the dev guide. We see no problems in introducing a new precondition mode, that checks the "learning progress completed" status. This can be offered for learning modules an plugins for ILIAS 4.5. In the future we would like to offer the same options for preconditions and lp modes as described above by using a central implementation.

Matthias Kunkel, April 09, 2015: I have renamed the wiki page from "Extension of Preconditions" to "Precondition Triggers Learning Module and Plugin" as this describes exactly what has been implemented.

5 Implementation

Stefan Meyer, 23. Sep 2014:
Added preconditions for learning module.

  • Learning modules can only be chosen as trigger type, if the Learning Progress is activated globally.
  • Added new interface interface.ilConditionHandling.php for ilObjAccess-classes.
Added preconditions for repository object plugins:
  • Plugins which should be used as condition trigger must implement the new interface ./Services/AccessControl/interfaces/interface.ilConditionHandling.php in the ObjAccess-class.

Last edited: 9. Apr 2015, 11:31, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]