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Special Web Access Checker for SCORM Learning Modules

1 Requirements

The ILIAS Web Access Checker can cause problems if SCORM content uses many directories. The number of cookies may affect the system stability. Moreover, no solution exists for the performant session-free storage of SCORM 2004 tracking data.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Uwe Kohnle
  • Interest in funding: …
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by tbd (Fred Neumann, Uwe Kohnle, Martin Studer)
  • Test cases by:

3 Discussion

JF 18 Aug 2014: If anything in the implementation should be changed in ILIAS 4.5, please provide a more detailed technical specification.

4 Implementation

Last edited: 3. Jun 2015, 18:55, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]