Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Storing data without session for SCORM 1.2

1 Requirements

Since ILIAS 4.4 there is a possibility to store tracking data without need of an ILIAS session. The advantages of this method:

  • improve performance
  • improve usability because users can make long breaks without loss of learning progress
By storing a special value for authentication at start of a learning module with a lifetime of max. 24 hours respectively finishing the learning module no risks for abuse are to be expected.

2 Status

  • Idea / concept: Uwe Kohnle
  • Funding: FH Münster
  • Maintainer: Uwe Kohnle
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Uwe Kohnle, Internetlehrer GmbH
  • Testcases: Uwe Kohnle

3 Discussion

Uwe Kohnle: 26 May 2014: I support this request and recommend its implementation for 4.5.

JF 7 Jul 2014: We still support this improvements and schedule it for 4.5.

Matthias Kunkel, March 19, 2015: This feature was already scheduled for 5.0 but not implemented due to missing funding / time. There is still a need for this feature. Therefore I have re-scheduled it for 5.1 to save time for discussing new feature requests. Nevertheless, funding is still needed to make this feature go into the 5.1 version.

4 Implementation

The implementation was similar to 'enable Storing data without session' for SCORM2004.
The option is disabled by default and can be activated at Administration >> learning ressources.

Due to the benefits it is recommended to enable Storing data without session:

  • improve performance
  • improve usability because users can make long breaks without loss of learning progress
The option should not be used in public computer pools. Accidentally unclosed windows with SCORM Learning modules could cause changes of tracking data and learning progress for other people.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at August 27, 2015, by Uwe Kohnle:


Approved at August 27, 2015, by Carmen Hüning, FH Münster.

Last edited: 15. Mar 2016, 00:09, Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]