Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe took place at Monday, March 31, 2014, from 12h30 - 18h00 at ILIAS office in Cologne. Participants were:
- Max Becker, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Stefan Meyer, Guido Vollbach
1 Appointments
2014-03-31: Feature Freeze 4.5
2014-04-14: Jour Fixe
2014-04-28: Jour Fixe
2014-04-30: ILIASuisse at Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik in Zürich
2014-05-12: Jour Fixe
2014-05-16: ILIAS-Nord at Hochschule Bremen
2014-05-26: Jour Fixe
2014-06-23: Jour Fixe (no Jour Fixe at June 09 due to Pentecost)
2014-07-01: Annual meeting of ILIAS Advisory Council, Fürth
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.4.2 published at March 26, 2014
- ILIAS 4.3.7 published at March 21, 2014
- ILIAS 4.2.9 published at September 04, 2013
- 4.4.3 is scheduled for May 2014
- 4.3.8 is scheduled for June 2014
- 4.2.10 is scheduled for April 2014
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:
- Item Group - Free Sorting Edit Mode in Container Objects : We had a longer discussion about improving the sorting and naming of this object and made the following decisions:
- We hope to get Sorting of Item Groups funded for 4.5. For 4.4 we would currently prefer to describe the issue in the online help and not to add an info message on the object editing screen of item groups.
- We would also make the naming of objects consistent and to use the "Objekt" and "Objektblock" for the by-type-lists as well.
- We also support the idea of adding sessions to item groups, but there are technical issues that would need to be solved (duplicate item sorting lists, if the same session is assigned to multiple item groups).
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.5
3.1 ILIAS 4.5 Statistics
According to the presentation at the last Development Conference we want to improve the documentation of the development process. The data of the following overview of development activities for the next upcoming major release is taken from the page Release 5.0. All developers are requested to update the status of their features.
Feature Status | Number of Features |
A: Fully implemented and bugfixed features with final acceptance by Jour Fixe | 0 |
B: Features currently in testing and bugfixing phase | 0 |
C: Already implemented but need testing | 5 |
D: Features currently in development | 9 |
E: Development not started yet but contract settled | 5 |
F: Scheduled for 4.5 and funding but no contract yet | 26 |
G: Scheduled for 4.5 but only parly funded yet | 6 |
H: Scheduled for 4.5 but no funding yet | 42 |
3.2 ILIAS 4.5 Development Issues
- none
3.3 Feature Requests for 4.5
- Template for Automatic Question Generation: In general we think that this may be a valuable feature. Please contact the module maintainer Björn Heyser (mail: bheyser (at) databay.de) to discuss a possible integration into the trunk and re-schedule the topic on the JF agenda afterwards.
- Introducing Workflow Engine : We highly appreciate this extension and schedule it for 4.5. The following issues must be adressed during the development:
- The documentation of all events and actions should be generated automatically based on any information in the code (or in service.xml/module.xml files). (the documentation should be presented in the administration section mentioned below)
- A list of all output (events) and input (action) parameters should be included in the documentation (names and types). The naming of parameters should be discussed (see parameter discussion in event service, "crs_id" vs. "course_id").
- A guideline/example of exception handling must be provided. We assume that "interaction" code of the components throws component related exceptions (e.g. no course id given). These exceptions must be handled in some way.
- All additional actions/events and all parameter types (beside integer and text) must be discussed in the Jour Fixe.
- The workflow is invoked by a cron job or by the general event handling.
- A new administration section "Workflows" should be added, which gives an overview on all workflows installed and their run status. Workflows are added by uploading "bpmn" files into a directory (outside of webspace).
- It should be possible to list all running instances of workflows (textbased information on running time and parameters, not necessarily a graphical representation).
- General Revision of User Standard Fields : We appreciate these improvements and schedule them for 4.5.
- UI Framework : We see that a UI framework may help us to support mobile/tablets in a better way than today and also to improve the general usability of the UI. Everyone is invited to list features/components of these frameworks that could/should be introduced in the ILIAS UI. Based on these suggestions we will continue with an evaluation of the proposed frameworks and their technical implications. If we decide to use one of these frameworks we need a reponsible developer who maintains the ongoing integration of up-to-date versions. We did not decide on any solution today, but may do so before the 4.5 beta release.
- Cloze question: Points on gap combinations: We support the general idea and schedule it for 4.5. Concerning the naming: We would prefer to use the term "Gap Combination" instead of "Result". Additional requests are:
- The usual interface should look like 4.4.
- Only a button "Add Gap Combination" should be presented on the bottom of the screen.
- If pressed a "one-line" gap combination is added. The preselected "Gap"-Drop-Down value is "-- Please Select --". As soon as a gap is selected the "Points" column it its original definition section is hidden (values preserved until submission) -> It is not possible to assign points to the same gap in the original definition section and the combination area at the same time.
- We do not introduce a "Matches Case Sensitive" selection in the combination areas, since there is no possibility to do this on single-gap-basis yet.
- If the "-" button of "the last line" in a combination area is pressed, the whole gap combination is deleted.
- Every click on "-" the "Points" columns of some gaps may re-appear, if they are not used in combinations anymore (former values should re-appear, if the user did not "Save" the complete question in the meantime).
- Scoring: The points of all fulfilled combination rules are summed up in the scoring, even if multiple rules inlcude the same gaps. (Every gap combination is evaluated separately)
- TinyMCE Integration Revision: We had a longer discussion about this request and the underlying concept. There are several reasons why we reject the integration of this concept in ILIAS. For more information, please have a look at the feature wiki page.
- VisualMathEditor: We are unable to evaluate the quality of the concept and would like to hand over the request to the SIG Mathe+ILIAS. Please discuss this approach in the group and ask Stefan Koospal to post a statement of the group here. We hope that the math editor would be integratable without the "TinyMCE Integration Revision", since this request has been rejected.
- Export Content of ILIAS page editor: We appreciate the request. We would like to schedule it for 4.5 with one change: We think there is no need for an option to include or not include the page content. The page content should be always included. Would anyone object this?
- Change default video aspect ratio into more popular one: We support this change and schedule it for 4.5.
- Display message when chat user is writing: We think this would be a good feature for the envisaged On-Screen Chat. We are unsure if this is technically possible within the existing chat. Please contact the maintainer Michael Jansen (mail: mjansen (at) databay.de) and ask him to post his opinion here. Afterwards, please re-schedule the topic on the agenda. If he supports the idea, we could schedule this for 4.5.
- Data Collection - Default sort field: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5.
3.4 Postponed
The following features requests have been postponed to the next Jour Fixe due to missing time.
- Data Collection - Single view scrolling function
- Manual scoring: save and jump to next student
- Function to assign an existing Ilias user to a course (join course)
- Get mail content over webservice with method
- Lock data file after upload
- Object Templates: Avoid Inheritance Break of Protected Roles in LocalPolicyAction
- Object Templates: Allow Multiple ExcludePattern or IncludePattern Items
- Object Templates: Restrict Use of Object Templates
- Object Templates: Introduce Code for ref_id Wildcard in Role Titles
- Booking Tool: Book only a defined number of objects per user
- Hide columns in edit participants tab of a session
- Export E-Mail in Personalized surveys
- Page editor: Add subscript and superscript
- Test/Question: Preset points input fields with 0 when createing new multiple choice questions
- Page editor: Media object image/media: custom size in percent
- Discussion Forums: Notification for global roles
- Discussion Forums: Notification for edited Postings
- Data Collection Set Link Title in URL-optioned textfields
- Data Collection Displaying of comments
- Data Collection Slider for Entries : S+R-Mantis: 1304
- Data Collection Sorting Concept : S+R-Mantis: 1302
- Table of exercises
- Discussion Forums:Moderators contributions highlighted by anonymized forum
- Online Help: Search
- Multilingual Support Online Help
- Use minify to combine javascript and css
- SOAP Method: getLearningProgressOfAssignedCourses
- Optimisation of Autocomplete User Search
- Filename Encoding
- Enter password again when continuing a test on different computer
- Permission Read Learning Progress
- xAPI Activity Repository Object
- xAPI: Integrated LRS
- Competence Service for Test
- Question title output: add new option show only available points
- Competence Service for Question Pool
- Date and Time Picker: Streamlining
- Enter password again when continuing a test on different computer
- Explorer Tree Guideline
- Shorter Table Prefix for Plugins
- Sending mails from Learning Progress of SCORM module
- User Clipboard
- Locking hand in files
- Individual Deadlines for different users
- Statistics with graphics and export for entire wiki and single wikipages
- Template pages in each wiki
- Drop IE8 Support
- Export of certificates as zip-file for courses
- Unsubscribe more than one course member from a group
- Automatic Link Generation / Connection to Link Resolvers of University Libraries
- Competence Management - Competences in corporate context
- Deletion of inactive Users - Mail-Alert
- Clarification of Learning Progress data regarding SCORM modules (and others)
- Default values for newly added SCORM modules
- Using SCORM modules to validate course objectives
- Specificities for offline SCORM modules in the Learning Progress
- Improving Accessibility
- Booking Tool: Enhancement of Post-Booking Information
- « Cannot Attend » Button in Sessions
- Default object settings
- Reference Test Environment
- Logging
- Revision of MCQ: Alternative points specification for multiple choice question
- Multiple Choice K/Kprim
- Improving Overview Page of Postings (2)
- Role group tutor available by default in new groups
- Member list in nested groups
- Excel-Export: disable setting shuffle questions
- Test: Long Menu Question
- Image Map Question: color of selected answer
- PDF-Export for test results
- Wiki: Start Page Handling
- Wiki: Extending Linking Options in Wiki
- Wiki: Extending User Activities for Page Editing, Protecting and Deleting
- Wiki: HTML Export Extensions
- Object Terminator
- Forum: Up / Down Voting for Forum Topics
- Introduction of Individual Assessment
- Anonymized Manual Scoring
- Improving Vertical Ordering Question's Look and Feel
- Display Questions's Workingtime in Question Tables
- Execise: Personalised Peer Feedback
- ILIAS LM: Progress status for learning modules
- ILIAS LM: LM Chapters / Pages as Preconditions in ILIAS LM
- Administration Setting: Add exercise to Personal Desktop
- Exercise: Tutor Feedback in Peer Feedback Mode
- Block Role
- Improving Use of Metadata in ILIAS Pages
- Content Page for Session
- Full Screen mode for images as a greybox
- Execise: File as Peer Feedback
- Forum: Streamlining: Copy Forum
- Streamlining Answer Input Fields
- Booking Tool: Book only a defined number of objects per user
- User Interface / Design: More Visual design for container objects
- Flashcards
- Further improvement of code-based registration incl. unification of registration and reactivation codes
- Improved Handling of Calendar
- Calendar: Improve Navigation in Side Block
- Instantly showing/hiding events of selected calendars
- Drag and Drop of Calendar Events
- Wiki Page List Page Element
- Request Participation for Session
- Send Mail to Session Participants
- Content Item Sorting by Creation Date
- Additional Settings for Public Comments
- Sorting Comments
- Restrict Navigation based on Questions
- Learning Modules: Learning Progress based on Correct Answers
- Learning Progress: Additional Options and Usability
- Survey: Print and email own answers
- Sorting of Categories
- Course relevant User data - Edit mode for admins
- Status of a survey (finished or nor) in participant tab
- Memberlist - Name sign
- Copy and Paste elements in ILIAS Page Editor
- Labels in Print View of Survey
- Accordeon behavior
- Notes and comments in Glossaries
- Show Course Relevant User Data in Waiting List and Request Membership table
- Container object to cluster questions (improved display)
- Support commenting of questions in question pool
- Include group memberships in course member export
- Types for Organisational Units
- Competence Management - Set minimal and desired level for competences in job profile
- Custom Metadata for Organisational Units and Types of Organisational Units
- More Types for Advanced Metadata
- Claiming of Advanced Metadata
- Claiming of User Defined Fields
- Quick Access to Personal Profile via Main Menue Actions
- Explaining the Purpose of the Personal Profile
- Prompting to Personal Profile in First Access
- Options for Publishing Personal Profile
- Search Portfolios used as Personal Profiles
- Who is online? tool for awareness
- User Connections / Approved Contacts
- Teams
- On-Screen Chat
- Offering Help / Looking for Help
- Improve Usability of My Workspace
- Usability Improvements of the Personal Desktop
- [[[Project] Concept for Learning Communities]]
- Advisory Council: General revision and unification of the notification system(s)
- Advisory Council: General Notification System
- Advisory Council - Forcing the full implementation of guidelines: Guidelines
- Advisory Council - Add multiple items from My Courses/Groups to Selected Items
- Advisory Council - Linking_in_ILIAS_Editor
- ILIAS LM: Learning Progress on visited pages
- ILIAS LM: Complete LaTex Support in LM Questions
- Test: Item export: Include hints and media objects
- Test: Feedback: allow media objects
- Exercise: Usability improvement in adding members to team solution
- Exercise: Preserve solution teams in exercises with multiple assignments
- Course: New text box in the right column of courses
- Categories: Office Hours in Categories
- HTML LM: HTML-LM Improvements
- [[[Project] LTI Support in ILIAS]]
A dedicated list for all feature requests for 4.5 that still need to be discussed is available at the page Feature Requests 5.0.
4 Miscellaneous
- Next Developer Meeting: Every developer can add suggestions for an upcoming core developer meeting in the Core Developer Group. We will schedule a meeting if we have two or more topics for the agenda.
- Next Jour Fixe: Monday, April 14, 2014, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.
Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 15:50, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]