Feature Wiki

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Container object to cluster questions (improved display)

Page Overview


1 Requirements

It would be very useful to cluster a few questions within a container object to be able to display them at once.
Therefore it would be possible to ask subquestions and display on one screen.
The advantages are that the description of the text doesn't need to be repeated.

2 Status

Page is closed as the request is already treated on another wiki page, see comments by Björn Heyser below.

3 Discussion

BH 10 Apr 2014: This request does not describe a feature in a concrete way. If I understand your requirement notes correctly, you want to group questions e.g. for presenting them on one test page. If this is your request please have a look to the following feature requests.

If not, please make a concrete feature description (Where schould the clustering/grouping be done? Where should the clustering/grouping have effect).

NK 15 May 2014: Yes. Especially the first two Feature requests you named are pretty much what we want as well.

BH 12 June 2014: I linked this page within the feature page Blocks of Questions in Test as related feature request. This is the leading main page for this feature group.

Last edited: 16. Jun 2015, 15:42, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]