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Prompting to Personal Profile in First Access

1 Initial Problem

Users miss out on the Profile: Users needs a bit of prompting.

2 Conceptual Summary

  • In order to prompt users to provide and share their Personal Profile, the data entering screen of the Personal Profile will be integrated as a part of the login / registration process.
  • There are jobs that users have to complete upon their first login. These compulsory jobs will be presented underneath the Main Menu and fulfilling them cannot be avoided by clicking elsewhere.

Prompting Workflow 

This is the prompting workflow: 

  1. Compulsory: Accept changed user agreement (existing)
  2. Compulsory: Change password (existing)
  3. Compulsory: Enter required user data (existing)
  4. Optional: Enter further data for the Personal Profile, Publishing and Communication Settings as in Workflow for Personal Profile (NEW)
    • After completing or opting-out of optional tasks, users are directed to their Personal Desktop. 

Administrating the Prompting Workflow in "Privacy and Security"

If prompted the info text is changed to explain why the user was prompted. After that the default text is shown again. 

We introduce a new tab "Publish Profile Prompt" in Administration > User Management 

  • Prompting Recurrence, Radio
    • Never (default)
    • Once, after (calculated from first login)
      • Numeric Input (days)
    • Repeated, every
      • Numeric Input (days)
  • Prompting Text (Textarea for each activated language)

Prompting a User

  • If the prompt is activated for a user ILIAS force-dumps him or her on the first tab of the Profile.  The prompt etxt is shown instead of the "normal" info message on top of the tab. 
  • Users can click elsewhere and escape if the wish to do so. 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration >> User Management > User Profile Info 

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Boarder case: Control is used in two places (set up and course), thus it cannot be required to add it to the KS. But it would be highly desirable.

4 Technical Information

No technical issues.

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen, Alexandra Tödt
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 18 Apr 2018: I support the idea.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 May 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 24 OCT 2018 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C24898: Aufforderungen zur Profilkonfiguration einrichten
  • C24899: Unvollständiges Profil nach der Aufforderungen zur Profilkonfiguration vervollständigen
  • C24900: Profil nach der Aufforderungen zur Profilkonfiguration veröffentlichen


Approved at 2018-10-23 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

9 Initial Version of the Article


Many users do not know there is a Personal Profile or where to edit it. They are not neccessarily against having a Profile but never happend to stumble upon the respective screen.
To prompt users to provide a Personal Profile, it‘s data entering screen will be integrated with the login / registration process. This requires ILIAS to have a defined and clear "firts time here"-event for all users. 
Administrators should be able to hook a pipleine of tasks for users to carry out after the "first time here"-event. 

In 5.0 we already have serveral tasks that are prompted upon users like

  • change password after first login (after completion users tend to get a bit stuck / puzzeles, because the screen does not go away, needs to be adressed)
  • additional user data fields are set to required by an administrator
  • accept changed user agreement 
The task-prompting-pipeline should encompass those tasks and be general enough to be extendable. For the first step we discuss a pipeline for personal profile or the portfolio.
Please keep in mind that the pipeline is configurable and should be able to promt to other services or objects as well. 

Profile Data Fields can be set as "Required". If a new field is introduced and "Required" the Profile should be prompted again.
In spite of the "Required"-status providing data for the Personal Profile should be strictly voluntary: An option "Not Specified" should be offered.
After a user is created via a directory and logs in for the first time the person is directed to complete the Personal Data after accepting the Legal Notice. If the Personal Profile is not completed until two weeks after that first login, the user will be prompted to the Personal Profile again but can press a "Never" button to dodge providing data for the Profile.

The  task-prompting-pipeline comprises of a headline, a byline and numbered steps that are made up of text and links. It is clearly laying out to users what is to be done next. We know this kind of tunnel from the ILIAS Set-up. 
To become an entry of pipline the step needs a definition of done. Thus for every step included in a pipeline as a required step there has to be a clear status "done". 
If a step is done it should be clearly textually and visually indicated that this step is completed, like "OK". 

We need to think about change management: What happens when the pipleine is changed, steps are added ore changed? 

It would be nice if pipelines could be assigned to roles: users or il_crs_member_30854 are presented with a pipeline while administrators or il_crs_tutor_30854 are not. 
It would be nice if there could be more than one pipline. 


Kiegel, Colin [kiegel], 21.09.2015: To make the "reminder" more efficient, I recommend to emphasize the Button "Later" w.r.t "Never". I think "Later" should be a button as in the mockup, but "Never" should only be a subtle text-link. So everyone in a hurry will be tempted to click "Later" and not "Never". I believe this UI logic is common practice.

Last edited: 2. Apr 2019, 20:30, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]