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Support commenting of questions in question pool

1 Initial Problem

Creating test questions in a team over a long period of time requires co-ordination of effort, pointing-out issues with individual questions. in ILIAS 5.3 there is no option to add such information to a question.

2 Conceptual Summary

The Tab Questions of the Question Pool gets an additional column Comments.  This column will indicate the number of comments made on the question.

The filter bar in the  Tab Questions of the Question Pool of the Question gets a new filter "Commented Questions". 

No question-type-specific implementation is needed since comments are made to the entire question in the Preview of question. 

The concept of public comments and the known UI elements for comments should be re-used.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Question pool » Questions

3.2 User Interface Details

  1. In the Preview tab of the question the Top Actions offer the Action Comments and a typical Comments text input is offered underneath the Question.

    Adding Comments in the Field underneath the Preview
    Adding Comments using the Top actions of the Preview
  2. In the Questions tab the action Comments is offered in the Action Menu. Clinking this Action calls for the normal Comments-Modal displaying the existing comments and offering to enter a new one. 
    In the Questions tab the table without a title gets a new column Comments indicating the number of comments made. if there is no comment the cell is displayed emtpy instead of showing a "0". 

    In the Question tab, there is a new column Comments and a new Action Comments in the Action Menu,

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Only existing UI concepts are re-used.

4 Technical Information

This feature request depends on the functionality of the common commenting subsytem of ilias and its performance.

Browsing large question pools showing many questions at once could affect the surfing experience with slightly increased page load times, but this can be avoided by restricting the maximum rows in the table as it is indeed also valid by default.

There are no technical objections for this feature request.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

BH 26 May 2014: Can you please describe your use cases for this feature? I cannot imagine a benefit for comments or ratings on questions that are triggered and read by test/question authors only.

NK 03 June 2014: The use case is, that different teachers can rate questions and leave comments. This can be seen by other potential teachers who would like to use those questions and could help deciding which questions to use. We do this right now with the data collection object. It would be much more useful if this infromations ars right in the question pool.

BH 05 June 2014: Since you can justify the benefit of this feature I support this request.

BH 11 June 2014:

  • Rating and Comments has been implemented for data collection entries now. The link to open the comments overlay should be an entry of a new actions list at the end of each question table row, since this was the JF decision for the comments link within data collection entries.
  • Import and Export of the Ratings should be involved, but exporting comments violates the guidelines, since this is user created content, so this should be left out.

BH 20 June 2014:
I had a technical discussion with MJ about the rating topic. Import and Export of ratings should NOT be involved, since each rating depends on the triggering user.
An import of ratings wouldn't work when the users who rated are not existing (or does not have the same user id) in the destination platform.

JF 21 July 2014: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], April 18, 2017: Adapted feature wiki page to new page structure and completed request to discuss and decide upon it at Jour Fixe.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], May 08, 2017: We highly appreciate this feature request and schedule it for 5.3. Additionally, we would like to have an option on the Settings screen of the pool to activate the feature.

Please consider the following feature requests: 

Suggestion made by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] for support of comments in question pool:

The Tab Questions of the Question Pool gets an additional column Comments.  This column will indicate the number of comments made on the question.

The filter bar in the  Tab Questions of the Question Pool of the Question gets a new filter "Commented Questions". 

No question-type-specific implementation is needed of comments are made to a whole question. 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 17 APR 2018: Difference to suggestion already scheduled for 5.3 is that comments are added on the page of the question itself and not on the overview of questions. I fully support this suggestion.

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt] I changed the article accodingly and deleted the other one. 

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 23 APR 2018 : If I understand the request correctly, two different ways to add comments should be added in the preview of test questions, right? Why don't we focus on one way and just support the workflow via Actions » Comments, for example?

AT 2018-05-07: Comments offer bith ways of adding typically. I do not see, why the service should behave differently this time. Internal consistency should not be violated.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 07 May 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.4.

8 Implementation

The Implementation has been done according to the descriptions above. Commenting question is possible from within the question authoring interface as well as from within the question pool's question list.

8.1 Commenting within the Question

The preview tab integrates the commenting functionality below the question preview itself. Existing comments are shown and comments can be added, removed or updated.

Additionally every question tab comes with the comment functionality integrated within the actions menu presented im the question header. Next to the actions menu the according icon is presented showing the number of existing comments 

While the comments section below the preview works with a server round trip, using the actions menu from any question tab comes with a modal that manages the comments without leaving the current page.

8.2 Question Commenting from the Questionpool

Commenting Questions directly from the questionpool is also possible. For every question the actions menu within the question list table provides a comments link that opens the modal with the comment feature.

Additionally the question list table has a new optional column that shows the comments icon with the number of existing comments for every question that has at least one comment. The icon is linked with the comments modal for easy access. The column also supports sorting by the number of comments.

Furthermore an additional filter has been added that allows to filter for all questions having at least one comment.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 03 October 2018 by Heyser, Björn [bheyser]

  • C24740 : Fragen kommentieren während der Erstellung / Editierung
  • C24741 : Fragen über die Fragenliste im Pool kommentieren
  • C24742 : Fragen anhand von Kommentaren sortieren/filtern


Approved at 04 October 2018 by .

Last edited: 5. Oct 2018, 11:05, Heyser, Björn [bheyser]