Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



1 Requirements

Currently learning with flashcards in ILIAS is possible with plug-in solutions. Results from scientific research on higher education learning scenarios indicate, that you have to integrate flashcard learning in blended learning contexts, which make use of different learning objects in ILIAS. Taking into account constructivistival and collaborative concepts of knowledge generation and representation you might have to use exercises and glossaries to stimulate students interactivity. So it is necessary to have flashcards as an object you can handle with like file, blog etc.
At least one plug-in solution is based on glossary entries. This approach could be used as a conceptual starting point to develop flashcards as ILIAS-Learning Objects. Students should be able to develop flashcards in different interactive scenarios with peers, tutors and teachers.

  1. Therefore flashcards have to be passed in a redactional way between different levels (a) comments and discussion among peers, b) comments and first quality assurance by tutors, c) second quality assurance and approval by teachers. Rating of cards should also be possible as rejecting or accepting cards before they come into play on a general level.
  2. Ratings, Comments, Approvals as marks deliver important information to the author of the flashcard and to the teacher who has to confirm the effort of a student.  Therefore different kind of flashcard representations will be needed using different kind of statistical data (based on a course, a learning unit, learning status)
  3. Questions and Answers as used in testing scenarios should be used as a pool to generate Flashcards in a comfortable way. It should be possible to export a question pool or selected questions as flashcards and to import them in existing flashcard pools (glossaries).
  4. The author of a flashcard should get feedback by peers, tutors and teachers in a comfortable way. As in wiki it should be possible to activate an automatic notification system which provides a change, remark etc of a flashcard.
You will find a proposal with further details in the file list below. Mockups will follow.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Thomas Langkau, thomas.langkau@fh-dortmund.de, Klaus Vorkauf, klaus.vorkauf@fh-dortmund.de
  • Interest in funding: Partly funded by FH Dortmund
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Discussion

Alex Killing 10 Apr 2014: I support the idea of a flash card feature in ILIAS. A new repository object should come with a written concept paper including some mockups. The interactions with glossaries and question pools (and other objects) must be specified in detail. It would be good to have outlined an incremental implementation path.

HJL, 11.4.2014:
Leifos offered us to implement comments and notes in Glossary:
"- Die Funktionen Notizen und öffentliche Kommentare anfügen zu können, soll für Glossareinträge implementiert werden, die Kommentarfunktion kann hierbei je Glossar aktiviert werden.
- Falls die tabellarische Präsentationssicht aktiviert ist, werden Kommentare und Notizen entsprechend der Implementierung auf Wiki-Seiten angezeigt.
- In der Listenansicht werden Anzahl von Notizen und Kommentaren unter jedem Einträg ähnlich der Anzeige in Magazincontainern angezeigt. Zusätzlich erscheint ein Aktionen-Drop-Down je Eintrag. Die komplette Anzeige der Kommentare und Notizen wird in dieser Ansicht in den sich öffnenden "Overlays" erfolgen."
We do like to finance this feature in the glossary, but we have some questions:
Should the redactional workflow between the different levels (see point 1) developed in the flashcard-object, or should this workflow offered in the glossary?
If we let implement the proposed redactional workflow into the glossary, then we do have a additional value: Teacher can then use the glossary and have the whole functionality of the proposed redactional workflow, even if they do not use the proposed flashcard repository object. Glossary could then have: a) No comment system, b) General comment system (like in wiki, see Leifos` comments) or c) Redactional comment system
What are your preferences?

JF 28 Apr 2014: After reading through the initial documents provided above, we think that the general functionality of the pool requirement is close to existing test question pools. We see little reason to introduce a new additional repository pool object for flash cards.
Please contact the question pool maintainer Björn Heyser (bheyser@databay.de) and ask him if he sees any possibility to support your outlined collaborative question authoring in the test question pools.
For the presentation mode, please evaluate if the Continuous Testing Mode of ILIAS 4.4 could be a starting point.
We postpone any decision until a detailed concept is available.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 05 SEP 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 05 SEP 2022: In the meantime, there is a more recent Feature Wiki entry New Glossary Presentation for «Flashcards». This has already been accepted by the JF.

4 Implementation


Last edited: 5. Sep 2022, 07:59, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]