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Deletion of inactive Users - Mail-Alert

1 Requirements

The deletion of inacitve Users via cron as implemented in 4.1 will be complemented by an E-Mail alert.
Administrators will be able to set the "earliest possible dispatch of Alert-Mail before the deletion of a user-account" in days.
Before the deletion of the account, the alert-Mail will be send to the e-mail-adress provided by the user account.
The dispatch of the alert-Mail will be triggered by the same cronjob that triggers the deletion of inactive user accounts. There will be no repeated Mail unless the settings of the cronjob-frequency or the days of inactivity or the days of earliest possible dispatch of Alert-Mail before the deletion of a user-account are changed.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0
  • Funding: Funded by HELIOS Kliniken Berlin
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Databay AG
  • Contract settled: Yes
  • Tested by / status: (Michelle Kubier, kubier [at] qualitus [dot] de), testing completed

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about concept: Michelle Kubier, kubier [at] qualitus.de
  • Information about funding: HELIOS Kliniken Berlin
  • Information about implementation: Michael Jansen, jansen [at] databay.de

4 Discussion

Michael Jansen, 04 Apr 2014: I support this request.

JF 14 Apr 2014: We support the idea and schedule it for 4.5. If the properties of the edit screen are saved ILIAS should check if the cron job schedule ensures that any mail is sent before the account is deleted. If not, a warning should be shown.

MJ 26 Aug 2014: Implemented

JF 27 Oct 2014:

  • The option "Earliest date in days for sending a reminder mail" should be named "Warning Mail". It should get a suffix "Days before Deletion". The info text should be: "If set, a warning mail will be sent to the user before his/her account is deleted due to inactivity."

GV 28 Oct 2014: Changes implemented.

5 Implementation

Implementation as described above.

Last edited: 16. Jan 2015, 17:20, Jansen, Michael [mjansen]