Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe took place at Monday, February 17, 2014, from 12h30 - 18h15 at ILIAS office in Cologne. Participants were:
- Jean-Luc Braun, Michael Jansen, Alexander Killing, Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Martin Studer, Fabian Wolf
1 Appointments
2014-02-18: ILIAS Corporate Meeting (Service Provider), Qualitus, Köln
2014-02-19: ILIAS-NRW, Universität Düsseldorf
2014-02-21: Workshop Accessibility, Bonn (Statistisches Bundesamt)
2014-02-24: SIG ILIAS Corporate, München
2014-03-17: Jour Fixe (no Jour Fixe at March 03 due to Rosenmontag)
2014-03-26: SIG Performance, Münster
2014-03-27: Development Conference, Münster
2014-03-31: Feature Freeze 4.5
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.4.1 published at February 14, 2014
- ILIAS 4.3.6 published at January 05, 2014
- ILIAS 4.2.9 published at September 04, 2013
- 4.4.2 is scheduled for March 2014
- 4.3.7 is scheduled for 21 February 2014
- 4.2.10 is scheduled for end of February 2014
- #12743 - survey: mail sender : The e-mail adress of the user that invokes the mail should be used, if this user does not have an email configured, the anonymous (noreply) adress should be used.
- #12755 - survey: notification placeholders : Since the description is very vague and since the underlying implementation is close to being a security problem, the following placeholders should be supported, and be mentioned in the description, similar to Mail » Compose or Administration » User » Settings » New Account Mail:
- Supported placeholder:
- [MAIL_SALUTATION]: Salutation
- [FIRST_NAME]: First Name
- [LAST_NAME]: Last Name
- [LOGIN]: Login Account
- [EMAIL]: E-Mail
- [MATRICULATION]: Matriculation
- For backwards compatibility the placeholders [matriculation], [email], [firstname] should be supported, too (but not be mentioned in the info texts).
- Supported placeholder:
- #12771: Conceptual Issue: Learning Progress still visible when feature has been activated : If the LP is deactivated the subtabs "Participants" and "Summary" should be hidden. Further improvements are part of the guideline discussion at Activation of Services in Modules:
- We appreciate this improvement, schedule it for 4.5 and keep the discussion open. For the general activation of services more options than just checkboxes may be necessary (e.g. the learning progress modes or for metadata a drop down "No Metadata", "Basic Metadata", "Full LOM Metadata").
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.5
3.1 ILIAS 4.5 Development Issues
- Extension of Poll: We would like to avoid an extra cron job for the poll notifications. So daily digests could be an option if the general notification service has been revised. For now direct mails would be ok. Users can subsribe to the notifications as it is possible for wikis.
- Need for Support & Support Offer Notification : additional user fields (interests_*) vs. Course Member Table : We decided which new fields should be supported on which screen (see above chap. 1.2) and discussed a General Revision of User Standard Fields.
- User Name Presentation : We discussed and defined the following guideline:
- User names in tables that are usually presented to tutors should include the columns
- Name (consisting of Last Name, First Name, e.g. "Kunkel, Matthias")
- Login (e.g. "mkunkel")
- When being exported in CVS/Excel format the following collumns should be included
- Last Name (e.g. "Kunkel")
- First Name (e.g. "Matthias")
- Login
- Additionally we defined the Configurable Name Presentation : An administrator should be able to define the parts of the default name presentation for users, e.g. "[lastname], [firstname] ([email])". An additional option "Respect Public Profile" will determine, if parts are displayed only when the public profile of the user activates them (first/last name only if public profile is activated as a whole, other fields only if they are activated for the public profile). If the settings lead to an "empty" name presentation for a user the [login] is used as fallback.
- User names in tables that are usually presented to tutors should include the columns
- Profile : Gender : We appreciate the following change and schedule it for 4.5: The current user data property "gender" should be renamed to
- Salutation: "Mrs.", "Mr.", "Not Applicable"
- Anrede: "Frau", "Herr", "Keine Angabe"
3.2 Feature Requests for 4.5
- Edit Timings without an ending time: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5.
- Mark schema: change marks when Access to Test Results is set to never: If it is not possible to change the mark scheme when the reporting date is set to "Never", this would be considered as a bug. Please report it into Mantis.
- Automatic setting of links: We are pretty sure that this problem can be solved by the Advanced Metadata for Wiki feature, which is scheduled for 4.5. Instead of representing categories as links and pages they are selected as metadata for pages. A new page element "Page List" will allow to include "dynamic" lists based on metadata.
- Include Exercise Deadline in Crs/Grp Calendar: We appreciate this feature and schedule it for 4.5.
- SMTP-Settings-Page: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5.
- Limit maximum number of participants: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5. The "waiting list" feature should be implemented, too. A general service should be used.
3.3 Postponed
The following features requests have been postponed to the next Jour Fixe due to missing time.
- UI Framework
- Cloze question: Points on gap combinations
- Avoiding Double Form Submission
- TinyMCE Integration Revision
- VisualMathEditor
- Export Content of ILIAS page editor
- Change default video aspect ratio into more popular one
- Display message when chat user is writing
- Data Collection - Default sort field
- Data Collection - Single view scrolling function
- Manual scoring: save and jump to next student
- Function to assign an existing Ilias user to a course (join course)
- Get mail content over webservice with method
- Lock data file after upload
- Object Templates: Avoid Inheritance Break of Protected Roles in LocalPolicyAction
- Object Templates: Allow Multiple ExcludePattern or IncludePattern Items
- Object Templates: Restrict Use of Object Templates
- Object Templates: Introduce Code for ref_id Wildcard in Role Titles
- Booking Tool: Book only a defined number of objects per user
- Hide columns in edit participants tab of a session
- Export E-Mail in Personalized surveys
- Page editor: Add subscript and superscript
- Test/Question: Preset points input fields with 0 when createing new multiple choice questions
- Page editor: Media object image/media: custom size in percent
- Discussion Forums: Notification for global roles
- Discussion Forums: Notification for edited Postings
- Data Collection Set Link Title in URL-optioned textfields
- Data Collection Displaying of comments
- Data Collection Slider for Entries : S+R-Mantis: 1304
- Data Collection Sorting Concept : S+R-Mantis: 1302
- Table of exercises
- Discussion Forums:Moderators contributions highlighted by anonymized forum
- Online Help: Search
- Multilingual Support Online Help
- Use minify to combine javascript and css
- SOAP Method: getLearningProgressOfAssignedCourses
- Optimisation of Autocomplete User Search
- Filename Encoding
- Enter password again when continuing a test on different computer
- Permission Read Learning Progress
- xAPI Activity Repository Object
- Competence Service for Test
- Question title output: add new option show only available points
- Competence Service for Question Pool
- Date and Time Picker: Streamlining
- Explorer Tree Guideline
- Shorter Table Prefix for Plugins
- Introducing Workflow Engine
- Sending mails from Learning Progress of SCORM module
- User Clipboard
- Locking hand in files
- Individual Deadlines for different users
- Statistics with graphics and export for entire wiki and single wikipages
- Template pages in each wiki
- Drop IE8 Support
- Export of certificates as zip-file for courses
- Unsubscribe more than one course member from a group
4 Miscellaneous
- Development Conference : The next Dev Conf takes place at March 27 at Universität Münster, see Dev Conf website.
- Next Jour Fixe: Monday, March 17, 2014, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.
Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]