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Individual Deadlines for different users

1 Requirements

Innerhalb von Übungseinheiten können Deadlines für die Abgabe gesetzt werden. Diese Deadlines werden immer für alle Übungsteilnehmer gleich gesetzt. Es wäre erfreulich, wenn einzelne Personen die ihre Deadline nicht einhalten konnten optional durch den Kursadmin die Möglichkeit bekommen könnten ihre Datei auch nach Ablauf der Frist noch hochladen zu können.
Momentan müssten man die Abgabezeit der ganzen Übungseinheit nachträglich verändern, was bedeuten würde, dass auch andere Teilnehmer ihre Dateien noch einmal ändern könnten. Dies sollte jedoch vermieden werden.

Killing, Alexander [alex], für unseren Kunden würden wir gerne folgende Varianten diskutieren:

1) kleine Lösung
- zusätzlich zum 1. Termin und der Karenzzeit, kann ich als Dozierende*r
eine Fristverlängerung (Datum beliebig) pro Lerner*in hinzufügen

 2) Luxus-Variante
 - Ich kann für jede Person eine individuelle Abgabezeit definieren (z.B.
 Abgabe der Folien einer Studierenden-Präsentation jeweils am Vortag der
 Sitzung um 18 Uhr, Studierende referieren zu unterschiedlichen

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Sascha Kaiser, sascha.kaiser2 at fh-bielefeld.de
  • Interest in funding: Hochschule Bielefeld, Universität zu Köln
  • Maintainer: Alex Killing
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Contract settled: (fill in "Yes" if a contract is already settled, otherwise "No" )
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Discussion

Alex Killing 10 Apr 2014: I support this request. There is a similar feature in the T&A.

JF 14 Apr 2014: We support the idea and schedule it for 4.5. Peer Reviews should be disabled as long as one user is able to hand in results.

JL 05 Mar 2015: Problematic could be the newish feature of integrating the deadlines in the exercise calendar. We currently (5.0) add the assignment deadline and peer feedback deadline as calendar entries. But with indiviual deadlines we could not add a "personal" (extended) deadline as a calendar entry for each user - this concept is not known for object calendars.

JL 05 Mar 2015: There is another feature wiki entry Second deadline for late submissions.

Killing, Alexander [alex], 27 Jan 2015: We might get funding for this but it is crucial to know, if the JF demands calendar entries to be updated in this case. If yes, some major additional calendar implementation would be needed. I have put this on the agenda and ask for a re-scheduling for 5.2.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 1.2.2016: We appreciate the feature and schedule it to 5.2 with the following requests:

  • It should not be possible to define a personal deadline, if not general deadline is given.
  • It should not be possible to set deadlines that are prior to the global deadline.
  • It should be possible to set individual deadlines for groups.
  • Individual Deadlines should be presented "additionally" on the learner presentation screen.
  • Individual Deadlines should be presented on the "Submission and Grades" screen in the "Submission" column.
  • Individual Deadlines should be administrated under "Assignemnts" > "Edit" > "Individual Deadlines" (action per row) > Opens a new table with all participants (-> action drop-down).
  • Calendar events must be synchronized with the individual deadlines. Only the effective deadline should be featured as a calendar event.

Antonia Weber, 29.02.16: 

In cooperation with FH Bielefeld we would like to suggest to include the individual deadline as followed:

  • The feature should be in a new register in exercise -> action -> edit and not in an extra action -> individual deadlines. Since the general deadline and the 2. deadline is placed there, the third deadline should be close.
  • Individual deadlines should be seen (for every person) and be editable in the register "submissions and grades". There should be an link to edit the individual dealine in every row.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Feb 29, 2016: We appreciate the suggestion of Antonia Weber and Sascha Kaiser and change the concept as follows:

  • There is no tab "Individual Deadlines"
  • The entire handling of individual deadlines is done on "Submission and Grades" - for single users and also mult-select. The edit form for a user's individual deadline should use a modal (incl. when using multi-select).

Killing, Alexander [alex], 21 Apr 2016: We are unsure if and how the "Participant View" should be tackled. Should a multi-select be introduced on this screen, too?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], May 09, 2016: We discussed the requirement to show "Individual Deadlines" on the "Participant View" and how to handle them. We decided to streamline both views (Participant and Assignment View) by:

  1. Showing existing "Individual Deadlines" on both screens in a separate column (no entry when no deadline defined) => Reduce clutter
  2. Adding Multi Selects to the Participant View and to add "Add individual deadline" to dropdown. => Allows to add a user's individual deadlines for several assingnments.
  3. Moving all action links into an Actions dropdown (like known from other components) and add a new entry "Add individual deadline" to the Actions menu. => Use known UI patterns
University of Bern declared to give additional funding to realise the solution found today in the Jour Fixe. If this funding will not be available, only 1 and 2 would be implemented as "simple solution".

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] The discussion of a general revision of 'Submission and Grades' will be continued on the dedicated wiki page 'Revision of Submission and Grades'.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], August 15, 2016: We appreciate the suggestion and implementation of 'Individual deadlines for different users' within the revised concept of 'Submission and Grades'.

4 Implementation

, 23 Aug 2016: This feature has been implemented as described above.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-04-20 by atoedt

Individuelle Fristverlängerung für einzelne Teilnehmer 

  • C12671: Tutor sieht eingereichte Lösungen ein und räumt eine individuelle Fristverlängerung ein
  • C12672: Teilnehmer C: Übungseinheit während der individuellen Fristverlängerung abgeben
Individuelle Fristverlängerung für Teams
  • C12679 : Tutor sieht eingereichte Lösungen ein und räumt eine individuelle Fristverlängerung für Team 2 ein
  • C12680: Teilnehmer C: Übungseinheit während der individuellen Fristverlängerung abgeben


Approved at {17.08.2016} by {skaiser}.

Approved at {18.08.2016} by {AntoniaWeber}

Last edited: 24. Feb 2024, 14:42, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]