Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


User Clipboard

1 Requirements

Administrators or tutors often have to administrate or do something with a list of users. For such tasks they need to run a process for a selected list of users. Examples:
  • Assign all participants having failed a test to a specific course
  • Add several users in user administration to a new role
  • Add course members with a specific learning progress status to a new course.
To support such workflows - and to make a tutor's / administrator's life easier - we need to offer a "user clipboard" in ILIAS.
The user clipboard supports the following activities:
  • Adding users from user lists to the clipboard permanently.
  • Inserting users from the clipboard to input fields for user names.
  • Removing entries from the clipboard.
In a first implementation the following user lists should offer user clipboard support:
  • Learning progress : List of participants
  • Test : Participants
  • Administration » User Management : List of users
  • Course : Member list
  • Group: Member list
  • RBAC: Role Members (User Assignment)

The toolbar ‘RepositoryUserSearchGUI’ should be extended by a split button with ‘add’ as main action and an additional action ‘Add from user clipboard’. When clicking on ‘Add from user clipboard’ a pop-up [1] is opened with a list of all users in the clipboard, checkboxes and the option to ‘Insert’ selected users and to ‘Remove’ selected users from the clipboard.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Feb 15, 2016: We appreciate the feature request and schedule it for 5.2. The label ‘clipboard’ might be confusing as the user stay in the clipboard until they are deleted - which is different from known clipboards where the clipboard is emptied after inserting its content. Any other label for this feature is highly appreciated.

4 Implementation

4.1 User Clipboard in the Administration > Roles

  1. Check boxes in front of users.
  2. Select "Add to Clipboard" in Multiselect above or below table. 
  3. Click "Execute". 
  4. ILIAS shows sucess message. 
  1. Open "User Assignment"-tab in another role. 
  2. Click on "Add"-Button.
  3. "Add"-Button shows "Add from Clipboard". 
  4. Select "Add from Clipboard". 
  5. ILIAS pastes users to role. 

4.2 User Clopboard in Course 

  1. Check boxes in front of users.
  2. Select "Add to Clipboard" in Multiselect above or below table. 
  3. Click "Execute". 
  4. ILIAS shows sucess message. 
  1. Open "Member"-tab in another course. 
  2. Click on "Add"-Button.
  3. "Add"-Button shows "Add from Clipboard". 
  4. Select "Add from Clipboard". 
  5. ILIAS pastes users as members. 

Test Cases

Test cases completed at August 26, 2016 by smeyer


Approved at August 26, 2016 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

[1] Should be decided by Kitchen Sink group

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:27, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]