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Uninstall Plugins

1 Requirements

We need an uninstallment procedure for plugins. Plugins should have the possibility to clean up their persistent data (db and files).
Suggestions for a guideline for the deletion of plugins:

  1. Every plugin slot must provide delete methods to remove his data files/directories, tables and database entries.
  2. Every plugin must provide delete methods to remove his data files/directories, tables and database entries.
  3. Plugin slots which cannot delete files and/or database entries of plugins, must provide a proxy plugin, which ensures that the system can be used without errors about missing plugins.
  1. A condition handler plugin slot will provide a delete method for the all plugin related entries in table condition_handler.
  2. A repository plugin will provide a delete methods for all plugin related data and webdata directories.
  3. A test question plugin slot will provide a proxy plugin, since the deletion of test question with existing passes is not possible.
A first implementation will provide a uninstall functionality for repository plugins. The code should resusable for an Object Terminator

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Stefan Meyer, Leifos
  • Funding: FH Aachen
  • Maintainer: Alexander Killing
  • Implementation of the feature is done by leifos
  • Test cases by: (name, e-mail)

3 Discussion

JF 13 Oct 2014: We support the idea and schedule it for 5.1.

, 12 Nov 2015: While testing the feature a problem was found: currently there is no way to find out in ILIAS (on the technical side) if a plugin is installed at all. It might be inactive because of a ILIAS version mismatch or a new plugin version and so on.
So it is near impossible to decide when to display the uninstall action. Displaying it always might be confusing, too.
Should "Uninstall" be always available?

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Nov 23, 2015: Uninstall should be offered always. But a full 'uninstall' can only be done when activation of plugin is possible. Jörg (and Matthias) will add an appropriate info message for uninstalling outdated plugins.

4 Implementation

, 12 Aug 2015: Uninstalling will "reset" any plugin to a clean state. Language entries (and object-/RBAC-entries for Repository plugins) are deleted. Repository plugins have to implement an additional method to delete custom (database) data on uninstall. 

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2015-08-17  by Alexandra Tödt 

  • http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/6202:  C6202 Plugin deinstallieren


Approved at 2015-08-24 by Jochen Erkens. 
A full test awaits the availability of Plugins for 5.1. 

Last edited: 23. Nov 2015, 13:39, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]