Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Displaying of comments

1 Requirements

Enable public comments for records in a DataCollection.

2 Additional Information

  • Funding: Not required
  • Maintainer: Marting Studer
  • Development: studer + raimann ag
  • Tester:

3 Discussion

Stefan Wanzenried, studer + raimann ag 24 Dec 2013:
This functionality has already been developed on a local branch.
The question to discuss: How should a DataCollection display the comments in the overview?
Currently, a DataCollection shows the ILIAS comments Icon in the table with the amount of comments per record. Clicking on the icon opens the right sidebar to add comments (see Screenshots).

HJL., 27.12.2013: We do like the actual implementation of the comment-icon.

MST, 14 Apr 2014: I still support this request.

JF 12 May 2014: We support this feature and schedule it for 4.5. The comment column should be a new "standard column" and get a column title for screenreaders. The current row should be highlighted, if a comment icon has been clicked.

4 Implementation

Last edited: 21. Apr 2015, 18:02, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]