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Notification for edited Postings

1 Description

Subscribers, which has enabled the notification in discussion forums, should be notified too in the cases a posting is subsequently edited by the author or a posting is censored by forum moderators. The same is true for deleted postings.
In the cases a posting is subsequently edited by the author the notification-mail contains following form and content:
Hello [username],
subsequently edited posting in forum by [name of the author/moderator/editor]: [name of the discussion forum]
topic: [name of the topic]
Content of the edited posting:
posting link: …
In the cases a posting is censored by forum moderators the notification-mail contains following form and content:
Hello [username],
censored posting in forum by [forum moderator]: [name of the discussion forum]
topic: [name of the topic]
Content of the censored posting:
Content of the censorship:
posting link: …
In the cases a posting is deleted the notification-mail contains following content:
Hello [username],
following posting in forum was deleted by [name]: [name of the discussion forum]
topic: [name of the topic]
Content of the deleted posting:
posting link: …

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

Jansen, Michael [mjansen], 11 Apr 2014: I support this request.

JF 14 Apr 2014: We support the request in general and schedule it for 4.5. Please outline the content of the notifications for these cases and re-schedule the topic. The reason for censorship should be included.

JF 26 May 2014: Thanks for the content suggestion. The text of censored postings should not be sent, the general guidelines for mails should be respected. If postings are deleted only the "top" posting should be included in the notification. The PM and the maintainer will work out a final version.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 22 June 2015: We still appreciate the feature and schedule it for 5.1.

4 Implementation

During the implentation of the forum notification feature the following triggers were added or have been refactored:

  • Thread deleted
  • New Post
  • Post activated
  • Post updated
  • Post censored
  • Post uncensored
  • Post deleted
  • Post answered
The implemention handles the delivery of notification via cronjob and direct notification as well.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at August 11, 2015 by Matuschek, Nadia [nadia]:

  • C6002: Änderung eines Forenbeitrages in bestehendem Thema
  • C6003: Zensur eines Forenbeitrages
  • C6004: Zensur eines Forenbeitrages aufheben
  • C6005: Löschung eines Forenbeitrags
  • C6006: Löschung eines Themas


Tested successfully and approved at July 2015 by Rene Sens (Sens, Rene [Sens]), Bundesverwaltungsamt

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]