Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Function to assign an existing Ilias user to a course (join course)

1 Requirements

For an Android-App regarding a project work, we need the option to join a course as normal Ilias user.
There is a function in SOAP called assignCourseMember(), but according to Bug#12218 this is only for course administrators. We need a method to simply join a course as normal user.
And also to leave the course (excludeCourseMember()?).
It is also possible to get some methods like isUserAgreementAccepted(), acceptUserAgreement(), ...

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: ...
  • Implementation of the feature is done by ...
  • Contract settled: No
  • Tested by / status:

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

4 Discussion

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 12:13, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]