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Export Content of ILIAS page editor

1 Requirements

A page content export - made with "customise page" - should be offer for every export of container object:

  • Export categories with page content
  • Export courses with page content
  • Export groups with page content
  • Export folders with page content
Tab "Export" > "Create XML-File":
In this export options (Select Resources, where you choose which objects you'd like to export) you can activate "Export page content", if you'd like to export the customised page content too. The export should take all page content from first level, where you start the export or you can choose the export for each container element. If possible export-file should also export "Style".
These are benefits for an export of customised page content:
  1. You can export your page content elements and import it in an other ILIAS-installation.
  2. You can prepare layout elements and copy them (export/import) several times in the same ILIAS-installation.

Situation at the moment (see pictures)

  • Style and
  • page content is lost

Original ILIAS 4.3 - before export
ILIAS 4.3: After import in new installation

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 31 Mar 2014: We appreciate the request. We would like to schedule it for 4.5 with one change: We think there is no need for an option to include or not include the page content. The page content should be always included. Would anyone object this?

Matthias Kunkel, 28 Feb 2015: This  feature was already scheduled for a previous ILIAS version but not implemented due to missing funding or time. We re-schedule it automatically for 5.1 to save time for discussing new feature requests.

4 Implementation

, 13 Aug 2015: This feature has been implemented according to the concept.

4.1 Testcases





Approved by Yvonne Seiler on 2015-08-27.

Last edited: 27. Aug 2015, 14:47, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]