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Extended precondition handling

1 Requirements

In some e-learning scenarios it is helpful to design a kind of learning path through the offered course content and not to offer all modules and activities at once. Example:

  • User enters course and ILIAS shows a test (and nothing else).
  • User runs and completes the initial test.
    1. If the user fails the test, ILIAS is making available learning module A.
    2. If the user passes the test, ILIAS is making available learning module B.
  • In both cases the other learning module is not visible/accessible for the user.


A path through a course like described above could easily be impelemented by adding two more features to the precondition handling in ILIAS:

  • New precondition "failed" : This new precondition makes it possible to present an object when a previous test, SCORM module or exercise has failed by the user. All object types (also new ones) that have such a "failed" status should support such a precondition.

  • Hide objects with not achieved preconditions : This option allows to hide all objects (course content or other objects) for which a user does currently not fulfill the preconditions. Therefore, all not accessible content is invisible.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 6 Jan 2014: We appreciate this feature and schedule it for 4.5.

Florian SUittenpointner 11 Feb 2015;
I analyzed the implementation of this feature (and its related feature Precondition Triggers Learning Module and Plugin.
My result is that there are two types of aspects how this development could be optimized:

  • There are some desireable supplements, i.e., objects capable of tracking learning progress which cannot be a precondition up to now.
  • There are some bad inconsistencies, e.g., with some object types a positive mode like "passed" is available but its negative twin isn't or vice versa.
Below I provided a file listing all of those aspects.

4 Implementation

Feature has been implemented for 5.0. As part of this implementation, the request for Learning Progress: Precondition Failed for test object has been implemented as well.

By enabling ‘Hide Object’ the current object can be hidden as long as the user has not achieved the required precondition.

The new condition ‘failed’ can be used to offer users specific learning content if they have not passed a test or exercise.

Last edited: 10. Apr 2015, 15:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]