Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]- Michael Jansen (until 13h30), Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Fabian Wolf
1 Appointments
2013-10-28: Jour Fixe
2013-11-06: ILIAS-NRW at FH Bielefeld
2013-11-11: Jour Fixe
2013-11-15: ILIAS-Nord at FH Nordhausen
2013-11-20: SIG ILIAS im Unternehmen in Cologne
2013-11-25: Jour Fixe
2013-12-05: ILIAS-Süd at Uni Freiburg
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2 and 4.3
- ILIAS 4.3.5 published at 08 October 2013
- ILIAS 4.2.9 published at 04 September 2013
- 4.3.6 is scheduled for December 2013
- 4.2.10 is scheduled for December 2013
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:
- Reopened Mantis 327 : We agree with Stefan, filenames should be delivered using UTF8 encoding. But we still need an IE8 switch.
- 11811 : Two lang vars for the same target - re-use of lang vars in lang vars : Referencing lang vars in lang vars would add a lot of complexity (getting these references into all lagn files, references of references, ...) to solve a somhow small issue. We skip the idea therefore.
- 11810 : Improving link to poll : We think that linking to an anchor is only possible using an additional redirect or a Javascript based solution like in the forums.
3 ILIAS 4.4.0_beta
We have published a first beta version of ILIAS 4.4 at October 11, 2013.
3.1 Developing Issues 4.4
- Captcha for Login Page and Registration : Stefan and Michael will work out the technical aspects of the implementation (hook into authentication process by overwriting login() method in ilAuthWeb). For the settings, we would like to split them:
- Login Captcha: Adminstration > Authentication > Authentication Settings > Authentication Method Determination (maybe this form needs to be renamed)
- Registration Captcha: Administration > ILIAS Auth / Self Registration > Registration Settings
- Form Captcha: Administration > Forum
- Wiki Settings: Needs to be created under "Adminstration > Wiki"
- All these settings need to be referenced under the Accessibility tab
- HTML Textfield Autocompletion by Browsers : It is ok to add this setting for text and username input fields. Standard behaviour should be: off for password fields and no attribute for others.
- Booking pool: meaning of "booked by/period" in list view: We would like to get rid of these to columns in the "Booking Objects" screen. But we need a "Current Reservations" action on the right instead. This should lead to the Reservations tab and show all upcoming reservations of this object (date filter needs to be set, additional "Object" filter needs to be added and preset for the corresponding object in this case).
3.2 Features of 4.4
Version 4.4 will contain 117 new or extended features which are all listed on the Release 4.4 page. All other features that had already been scheduled for 4.4 have been postponed due to missing resources and to keep the deadline for publishing a 4.4 release.
All features that are already scheduled and have a funding are automatically rescheduled for 4.5. All other features with partly funding or no funding have to be set again on the 4.5 agenda and will be scheduled without further discussion.
3.3 Testing 4.4
- For 4.4 we add the information about the tester and the testing status (not started yet | ongoing | completed) to each of the wiki pages of 4.4 features. This information has to be added by the service providers.
- For 4.5 we are looking for a software based solution that ease and streamline the testing process.
3.4 Features Postponed to 4.5
The following features already scheduled for 4.4 will be postponed to 4.5 due to missing resources or open conceptual discussion.
- Avoiding Double Form Submission
- Copy or Link objects: Repository and My memberships
- Design for the Maintenance Page (Status: conceptual discussion needed)
- Extending Span Formatting
- Delimiter Tag for Paragraphs
- Guideline for Page Layout of Export Screens
- Improvement of Mail-Domain Filter for Self-Registration
- Improvements for Shared With
- Interpretation of http URLs
- Link to User Name
- Mobile Support Style Sheet Editor
- New Posting Notification With Text - A first implementation of this feature will be realised for the optes branch in a special 4.4 branch.
- Revision News Presentation
- Show detailed progress in course overview
- Show label in Print-View
4 Development of ILIAS 4.5
4.1 Feature Requests for 4.5
- Course Autostart Single Object: We currently do not see any technical possibility to implement this in the trunk. There are basically two approaches:
- Checking "where to link (href and target) already on the linking screen (when a course is listed on the pd, in search, in the repository). This is not possible due to performance reasons. ILIAS would need to check for each listed course whether the setting is active, if this is the case how many any what objects are accessible. If this is only one, in the case of SCORM (or other object) additional settings would needed to be checked (open in new frame or not). All in all this would be very complex and time consuming.
- Open the course presentation screen and then do all kind of checks and redirect (either per server side or by Javascript). Open and unsolved issues are:
- What to do with the opened course page, if no permission is given for the subobject? Show a "no permission" message?
- What to do with the opened course page if the object has to be opened in an additional window? Do never open in new windows?
- Redirects currently can do only to permanent links ins a generic way. For SCORM objects this opens the info tab, which is not desired here.
- General revision and unification of the notification system(s): In general we support the ideas, but we currently cannot decide on any development. More conceptual work is needed, especially from the user perspective. Mock-ups, e.g. for the settings screens, would be necessary to make decisions here. Matthias will try to gather the requirements from the various stakeholders until beginning of January.
- Sending Mails From Learning Progress: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5. The checkboxes should be available on the "User/Participants" and on the "Matrix" screen.
- Placeholder for course mails: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5. The mail system must be extended in a way that components can add additional placeholders. Then the course system and/or the learning progress component has to use this extension.
- Course mail templates: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.5. The mail system must support a way to administrate templates per user and/or per object.
- WebDAV: Show references as folders: We appreciate this feature and schedule it for 4.5.
- Personalized Watermarks for PDFs: We would like to discuss the feature with Michael Jansen, who implemented the patch, before deciding on its integration into the trunk.
- Secure Password Storage: We would like to discuss the feature with Michael Jansen, who implemented the patch, before deciding on its integration into the trunk.
4.2 Postponed
The following features requests have been postponed to the next Jour Fixe due to missing time.
- Personalized Watermarks for PDFs
- Secure Password Storage
- Cloze question: limit of possible characters
- Several essay questions on one test page
- Mail notification for news
- OpenLayers Maps
- News service: Which changes/notifications add a news entry
- Avoid Unnecessary Repository Object Creation Permission Checks
- Context-Sensitive Date Formats in Certificate
- Display Waiting List Activation Outside Courses
- Move Several Mediacast Entries to Another Mediacast
- Rated question selection in variable random tests
- Personal learning-time in Courses
- Allow multiple payment methods per sellable object
- Skip already solved questions
- Display User-ID in User-Administration
- Export of User-IDs in User-Export
- Login via Email instead of username
- Streamlining Javascript Usage in Tests
- Make plugins can use Skins
- Make iCal Button skinnable
- Finishing a learning module as precondition
- Important additional informations for survey-evaluation
- Improving Process Request Membership
- Automatic setting of links
- Include Exercise Deadline in Crs/Grp Calendar
- SMTP-Settings-Page
- Test Results: Show points but do not display passed or not passed
- Scoring: permit half points for all question types
- Limit maximum number of participants
5 Miscellaneous
- Monday, October 28, 2013, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the ILIAS open source e-Learning office in Cologne
Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:10, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]