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Hiding/displaying the calendar in courses and groups

1 Requirements

It should be possible to hide/display the calendar in courses and groups directly from the Content tab. This should work like hiding/displaying blocks on the personal desktop:

  • User has the permission "Edit calendar".
  • User clicks on the settings icon of the calendar block.
  • User selects "Hide".
  • The calendar is being hidden from all course/group roles.
  • If necessary: Display the calendar via the actions menu of the course resp. group.
Remark: The current behaviour of the calendar block is not consistent with the news block right above. The news block can be hidden from the content tab whereas the calendar block can only be hidden via Settings > Course/group presentation. From the user's perspective, news block and calendar block are similar elements so they should behave like that.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Carsten Kozianka, kozianka@uni-bonn.de
  • Interest in funding:
  • Maintainer: Alexander Killing
  • Development: Implementation of the feature is done by Alexander Killing

3 Discussion

Alex Killing, 11 Feb 2014: See my comment on Streamlining the procedure of hiding/displaying the news in courses and groups.

4 Implementation

Implemented in 5.0. Calendar can be deactivated both in the settings of courses and groups.

Last edited: 16. Apr 2015, 21:40, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]