Feature Wiki
STACK Question Plugin
Page Overview
[Hide]This is the central page for the development of the STACK Question plugin. If you want to contribute ideas for future developments of the STACK Plugin, please create a new feature wiki page and link it in the list below.
The SIG Mathe Digital has to discuss a feature first (!) before the implementation can be started.
The procedure for new features of the STACK plugin is...
- create a feature request page for your proposition
- schedule a meeting / VC with the SIG Mathe Digital by contacting Stefan Koospal or Wigand Rathmann
- discuss your feature request with the SIG Mathe Digital
- you should get an answer in at least 14 days or the request get the status accepted
- The maintainers of the plugin decide on the implementation of the feature based on the discussion results of the SIG
- if funding is provided (e.g. by you) the implementation can start...
1 Status
- Implementation as plugin
- Funding for initial implementation collected through fundraising, see Crowdfunding data collection
- Development: Implementation of the feature is done by Jesús Copado, Uni Erlangen
- Status:
- Version 1 for ILIAS 4.4 (only import) is published in August 2014.
- Version 2 for ILIAS 5 (with authoring interface) is published in February 2015 (Git branch 'master')
- Version 2.4 for ILIAS 5.2 is published in May 2017 (Git branch 'master-ilias52')
- Version 2.5 for ILIAS 5.2 and ILIAS 5.3 with STACK core 3.3 is plublished in December 2017 (Git branch 'master-ilias52')
- Version 3.0 for ILIAS 5.2 and ILIAS 5.3 with STACK core 4 is plublished in March 2017 (Git branch 'master-ilias53')
- Publication:
- Plugin is listed in the ILIAS Plugin Collection
- Souce code is published on GitHub: https://github.com/ilifau/assStackQuestion
2 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Neumann, Fred [fneumann]
Old Version of this Page Situation Testing in Mathematics and other nature sciences requires test question types that support calculation, formulas and equations. Neither simple multiple choice questions nor formula questions can fulfill this requirement because these question types only check the given answer against a predefined set of numbers and characters. They are not calculating the result and accepting different submissions with the same value, e.g. 2 and 4/2. Possible Solution A question type that checks the given answer by using a Computer Algebra System (CAS) would solve this problem and allow to offer valuble and helpful test&assessments to students. Learner View The learner's view needs only to support the CAS connection and deliver the input given by the learner to the CAS. The result processed by the CAS is send back to ILIAS and determines the result of the answer. According to the result points are given to the user for this answer. Workaround for a first implementation The following sub tasks are needed to develop an ILIAS plugin for the Learner View of STACK questions:
Authoring Environment In a second step the authoring environment of such a CAS question type has to be implemented as a plugin for the question type plugin slot. Such an authoring interface needs to offer all options for defining a CAS question. Discussion Matthias Kunkel, 20 Mar 2014: A first prototype of the learner interface will be presented end of March on the team meeting of optes project in Detmold. An additional presentation is planned for the DevConf at March 27 in Münster. The development of the authoring interface starts end of April and is currently scheduled until July/August. Implementation Matthias Kunkel, August 08, 2014: A first stable version of the question plugin has already been published, see http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_dcl_3342_358.html. It allows to import STACK questions developed in Moodle and to run them in ILIAS tests. Fred Neumann, February 06, 2015: version 2 (beta) with an authoring interface is now available, see http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_cat_4119.html. ... 3 Feature Requests
4 Implemented with STACK Plugin Version 3.0 |
Last edited: 17. Dec 2019, 10:28, Koospal, Stefan [koospal]