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Improve RBAC Handling in Object Copy Processes

1 Requirements

When repository objects in ILIAS are copied, the RBAC settings of the original object are not fully adopted by the target object:

  • Local roles created within the copied object (or its sub-objects) are always adopted and keep their permissions (okay).
  • Roles already existing above the copied object lose any permission adaptions, even if they had a local permission policy (e.g., they are adjusted to the new context - okay but could also be considered differently).
  • However: Local permission policies installed in sub-objects of the source object (e.g., in a folder of a course) get lost in the copy process.
This last issue is problematic because often you spend much effort in preparing permission adaptions in, e.g., folders of a course. After the copy process, everything of that has vanished.
According to JF 2013-09-16, "it would be desirable to keep permission settings for roles that appear in both contexts (or a copied from the source to the target context). However technically this is quite complex to accomplish.
In general the permission handling during the copy process could be improved, e.g. configurable (keep permission as far as possible vs. use permissions for "new" objects)."

So, there are several aspects that could be improved:

Option 1:
Fix lacking adaption of permision settings

Option 2:
Make adaption configurable

Roles that appear in both contexts

A: Local policies regarding the source object itself

A1: Local policies are adopted by the target object

Decision while copying:

  • Adopt local policies
  • Create according to target context (or role template)

B: Local policies regarding sub-objects of the source object (which are copied along into the target object)

B1: Local policies are adopted by the target sub-object

B2: s. above

Roles copied from the source to the target context

C: Roles created in the source object itself

C1: Roles are created in the target object and adopt the settings of their originals

Decision while copying:

  • Adopt source object settings
  • Create according to target context (or role template)

D: Roles created in the source object itself with local policies in sub-objects (which are copied along into the target object)

D1: Local policies are adopted by the target sub-objects

Decision while copying:

  • Adopt local policies
  • Create according to target context (or role template)

E: Roles existing only in sub-objects of the source object (but are copied along into the target object)

[no fix needed]

[no change needed]

F: Roles existing only in sub-objects of the source object with local policies in their sub-objects (which are copied along into the target object)

F1: Local policies are adopted by the target sub-objects

Decision while copying:

  • Adopt local policies
  • Create according to target context (or role template)

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Development: Implementation of the feature is done by (tbd)

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Florian Suittenpointner (suittenpointner [at] qualitus.de

4 Discussion

JF 28 Apr 2014: We consider this being a feature request. Please add it to the 4.6 list, if being opened.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 18 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 18. Aug 2022, 07:41, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]