Feature Wiki

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Consistent handling of user data after deleting a user account

1 Requirements

After a user account has been deleted by an administrator, some data remains in the system. However, different repository objects handle this data very differently. This should be streamlined.
wording for this article:

  • user name = user account name / login, not the real name
Here is a list of how some objects handle user data of deleted users:
  • Wiki
    • pages and entries remain in the wiki (IMHO a good idea)
    • the user name is erased from the page history (blank)
    • user is not listed under "contributors"
    • in the "All Pages" list the user is marked as unknown
    • page rating vote remains
  • Forum
    • topics and replies remain in the forum (IMHO a good idea)
    • the user name remains, but is marked as "Pseudonym"
    • user is not listet in the forum statistics
    • real name of the user is not shown, only the user name
  • Excercise
    • submissions are deleted entirely
    • user is not listed under "Submissions and Grades"
    • no user data remains
  • Blog
    • articles and comments remain
    • articles: username is deleted, but shown as unknown (IMHO "anonymous" or "deleted user" would fit better)
    • comments: no username shown whatsoever, not even "unknown"
  • Poll
    • vote remains
  • Test
    • user name not shown
    • statistics / Participants: "The user has been deleted"
  • Survey
    • anonymized survey: answers remain
    • personalized survey:  "The user has been deleted", no user name shown
  • Data Collection
    • entry remains, no user data shown in table view
    • currently: detailed view crashes (Mantis Ticket) - to checked, when bug is fixed
Generally, all objects should use the same wording (preferrably: "deleted user" or "unknown") and should make it clear that the respective data stems from a deleted user (like surveys and tests already do).

2 Status

3 Additional Information

4 Discussion

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 18 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 18. Aug 2022, 09:16, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]