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Improving SCORM reports

1 Requirements

1.1 SCORM 2004 specific data

SCORM 2004 specifies additional tracking data that should be displayed in SCORM 2004 reports:

  • Display both "completion status" and "success status" (2 columns). The "unknow" value may be used when relevant.
  • Add a "progress" column to display the SCORM 2004 progress value. The value will be left blank when the SCO does not provide it.

1.2 Reporting views

Currently, SCORM 1.2 provides a larger set of reports. The same reporting views should be available both with SCORM 1.2 and 2004. The proposed list of reports is:

  • 01 - List of users involved in a SCORM activity
  • 02 - List of SCOs composing a SCORM activity
  • 03 - List of users for a specific SCO
  • 04 - List of SCOs for a specific user
  • 05 - List of attempts for a specific SCO and user
  • 06 - Details of a specific attempt
The content of these reports is detailed in the appendix chapter, at the end of this page.

1.3 Reporting features

The same reporting features should be available both in SCORM 1.2 and 2004 reports. These features should be available for all reporting views.

  • Filtering options based on relevant criteria
  • Control of the table presentation (hide/display columns, sorting)
  • Export features (CSV, Excel)

1.4 Impact of "Tracking Data" on the "Learning Progress"

1.4.1 Calculation of the learning progress

Currently, when the status associated with a SCO is “failed”, it is considered as “incomplete” in the “Learning Progress” report, in the column named “Percentage”. This is a bit confusing because in a sense, the SCO has been completed by the user, even if he failed. So the “Learning Progress” should take into account the "completion status" (not the "success status") to calculate the percentage of the learning progress.

1.4.2 Visibility of scores

Currently, the “Learning Progress” report doesn’t display scores. There is a “mark” information that can be edited manually by a teacher to enter an evaluation result. But there is no relation between this data and the SCORM tracking. It should be possible to automatically update the “mark” data with a score coming from the SCORM activity. This could improve the visibility of the SCORM results in ILIAS, both for teachers and learners.

1.5 Learning Progress settings

1.5.1 Activation of the SCORM learning progress

Currently, the learning progress is deactivated by default for the SCORM activities. It should be possible to activate by default the learning progress for newly created SCORM activities. This could be a global setting in ILIAS. When activated automatically, all the SCOs of a SCORM package should be selected to determine the learning progress.

1.5.2 Defining the SCO to consider for global scoring

In the previous chapter, we discussed the idea of using the SCORM scores in order to populate the “mark” data of the “learning progress” reports. This should be configured in the “learning process” settings of the SCORM activity, for example by using a radio button in front of each SCO to enable the selection of the relevant SCO for global scoring.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Sébastien Fraysse / sebastien@fraysse.eu

4 Discussion

JF 5 Aug 2012: Some points are improvements, that we would definitly like to schedule for ILIAS 4.5, e.g. chapter 1.2. Other points like 1.5.2 "Defining SCOs for global scoring" could be problematik. Currently our SCORM maintainer is on vacation, but Matthias already received some feedback from him. He will add some remmarks to this page. We will continue to discuss the points one by one afterwards.

SCORM Meeting, AK, MK, 30 Jan 2014:

  • Again we appreciate the streamlining mentioned in 1.2 and 1.3
  • We also appreciate 1.1, 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, Uwe and Sébastien will add detailed information on 1.4.1
Additional points (that should probably go to another wiki page)
  • The status of activation of the learning progress should be displayed on the SCORM settings screen under the "Online" setting, with a link to change it

Matthias Kunkel, Aug 08, 2014: Funding is now available for:

  • 1.2: Reporting Views (1-6)
  • 1.3: Reporting Features (all three)
  • 1.5.1: Activation of SCORM learning progress
Other features of this page might be implemented in future ILIAS versions when funding is available and concepts are approved.

5 Implementation

5.1 SCORM 2004 Reports:


6 Appendix: description of the proposed SCORM reports

  • 01 - List of users involved in a SCORM activity
    • User name
    • Last access
    • Completion (“n/N items completed”)
    • Time (cumulated time spent on all SCOs)
    • Success (“n/N items passed”)
  • 02 - List of SCOs composing a SCORM activity
    • SCO name
    • Last access
    • Completion (n/N users completed this SCO)
    • Average Time (average time spent by users on this SCO)
    • Success (n/N users passed this SCO, when applicable)
  • 03 - List of users for a specific SCO
    • User name
    • Last access
    • Completion
    • Progress
    • Time
    • Success
    • Attempts
  • 04 - List of SCOs for a specific user
    • SCO name
    • Last access
    • Completion
    • Progress
    • Time
    • Success
    • Attempts
  • 05 - List of attempts for a specific SCO and user
    • Last access
    • Completion
    • Progress
    • Time
    • Success
  • 06 - Details of a specific attempt
    • Summary: last access, completion, progress, time, success
    • Interactions table (when applicable)
    • Objectives table (when applicable)

Last edited: 9. Jan 2015, 17:33, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]