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Representing Current Courses in e-Portfolios

1 Requirements

The need to present the current courses and envisaged learning objectives of a learner in the e-Portfolios has been brought up in the frame of the optes project where self-studying in mathematics shall be supported:

  • A new page element (or portfolio page) "Current Courses" should be supported. This element gives tutors (and other visitors of this portfolio) an overview on the current learning activities of this learner (at least an important aspect of them).
  • Courses with learning objectives should additionally also show the progress of the learner wrt the learning objectives, e.g. using progress bars.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Alexander Killing @ Leifos

4 Discussion

JF 27 May 2013: Matthias will separate the feature "Representing Current Courses in e-Portfolios" from the feature Skill Matrix and add it to a new feature page. We appreciate the extension of the competence management and schedule it for 4.4.

HL, 28 May 2013: Is the following scenario possible?:
With the feature Search for Personal Profiles, students find the portfolios of their teachers. So with this implementation, the students can see/join/enter the current courses of the teacher (through a separate page in the portfolio - when the teacher added this to his portfolio).

AK, 28 May 2013: @HL: Interesting. We did not think about it this way around yet. I think providing at least a link to the course (info page) should be no problem. But we should definitely use another presentation for tutors, without learning progress/objective information.

Jour Fixe, 16 Sep 2013: Facing the upcoming beta release date we need to postpone this feature to 4.5.

HL., 19. Aug. 2014:
>JL wrote: Up to now "My Courses" is intended for learners"
But: This feature could be helpful also for teachers of a university. With this feature, students could see the current courses of a teachers (if a teacher activate this).:
=> A teacher creates a Portfolio and Set this Portfolio "... As My Profile".
=> Then in this profile, he generates a page, and in this page, he can use the functionality "Insert my Courses"
=> Then he can set the portfolio Online, and publish the Portfolio to www
=> Then he uses the Portfolio-Link everywhere, Students have all necessary information about this teacher: CV, Publications, Contact, Personal Data, "Consultation hours", and "My Courses".
=> So teachers are able to publish their current courses (actual semester) on the Portfolio
=> Students also have the possibility "Search for Users", there they see the linked portfolio. An easy way to communicate with the teachers.
Features to develop for that new case:
a) Users are Logged in, and they have just Join rights. For that case, a link would be helpful too.
b) If the Portfolio is shared with "WWW", and user is in the "My Courses"-tab, then he click the "Login to ILIAS"-button, then after the Login, he should be forwarded to the "MyCourses"-tab.
c) Possibility to hide the "Learning Progress"
d) Possibility to define the current courses (a concept is needed)
see also: http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=13787 and two related Bugreports.

JF 10 Nov 2014: The component should list all courses

  • where the owner of the portfolio is assigned to a member role
  • that are "online" and available per activation period.
  • All courses should be listed, even if the visiting user has no visible permission. Rationale: We think this is necessary to make the feature usable in general, if exposing course titles is an issue for an installation, the feature should be deactivated globally.
  • If the visiting user has join+visible or read permission the course should be clickable and link to the registration resp. the content page of the course.

Matthias Kunkel, 20 Nov 2014: An extension of the feature is planned for 5.1 (still needs decision), see Improved Course Presentation in Portfolio. The ideas mentioned by Hansjörg Lauener above sound very interesting but would be already a new feature because

  1. the listed courses need to be selected by the tutor because it is his choice which courses should appear and offer instant enrollment, and
  2. the role that is taken to select the shown courses is the course admin and/or course tutor role - and not the member role.
And if I continue to think about such a feature, I would suggest to have a general ILIAS page element that is able to show one selected ILIAS object (e.g. a course, a group, but also a wiki or mediacast) and allows it to embed into a portfolio page, blog page or wiki page.

5 Implementation

JL 24 Feb 2014: A first version of the page component "My Courses" is now available in 4.5/trunk. This can be seen as draft as the final version depends on Revision of Course Learning Objectives View - especially regarding the progress bars for learning objectives.

JL 13 Nov 2014: The implementation has been adapted to the JF decisions above. Furthermore a general setting has been added to (de)activate the page element "My Courses".

Last edited: 2. Apr 2019, 20:30, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]